17.) The Dream
I woke up this morning to a terrible dream, one of those dreams that felt painfully real. I entered a plain white room with white charis and tables. There was Cindy in this room and she was visibly shaken but glad I was there. To my understanding, Cindy received a death penalty through poisoning, similar to that of Socrates. The time I entered the room was only moments until her death. Cindy got up but stumbled. I raced to catch her in my arms to hold on to her one last time. I never felt so much pain in my heart. I told her if there is anyway you can still talk to me please do. I looked up just briefly and when I looked down, she disappeared. I never cried that much in a dream and when I made my way home, the rain poured so heavy. As I enetered the house, my phone rings and I picked up. It was Cindy!
"Hi, Chris!" said Cindy.
I've never felt so happy. I thought she was still alive. "Where are you at?" I asked.
"I don't know," responded Cindy.
"Describe what you see..."
"I don't know...I don't know..."
I woke up in tears but glad it was only a dream. But, I was scared to go back to sleep afraid of continuing the dream. I wanted to hear Cindy's voice so I called and spoke about the dream. I felt relieved after talking with Cindy. Probably because I miss her a lot that this occured or my fear of losing Cindy probably entered the dream. I thought I'd share this because kind of like the Cinderella saying that if you told your dream, it won't come true. So, this one should only just be a bad dream.