Thursday, December 29, 2005

I'm sick right now. Got it from my dad I think. It's all good, don't need to go to work tomorrow. Dammit, only a few more days of winter vacation. Spent yesterday just sleeping. Slept really well that I couldn't even hear my cell phone. Got to be that Nyquil. I just don't want to be bothered, even though I feel better than yesterday. I just want to sleep more. I guess that's what I'll do.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Oh yeah, Merry Christmas! It's supposed to be a happy holiday, time of joy and such. But, I'm going to talk about racism. It's something that's in my head just recently. I came across a conclusion that maturity = racism. It all started when I thought about the times when we were little kids. I remembered that if one acted a fool, such as misbehaving in such a way that made others uncomforted, the uncomforted ones would say, "He's just immature." Several times when I was a kid, I remembered being labelled that by my other classmates. During my act of being a fool, I was just having fun with my other friends. The others just brushed it off as just child's play, too good for that. But, we were kids back in those days, how much did we know about maturity? To adults, all kids have a sense of immaturity, or they are just immature by design. So, these kids dubbing the other kids as "immature" are really hypocritical. In reality, they are already establishing their own racism. They are already establishing too our eyes, since we don't do that, we are better than them because we don't do what they do. They are establishing a supremacy between them and their fellow classmates. To me, we were just having fun. For them to have fun, they didn't join in and attempt the fun that we were having, instead their fun came by labeling their other classmates of a negative connotation. In effect, it increases their self-esteem in expense of others.

In college, one can excell in his studies, party hard, and pass out all in a single day. But, still there's a seperation between people who party and people who don't party. People who do not party dub all the party goers as being immature and don't care about being in college. This is happening in most of the top universities as well. To the party goers, they just want to have fun, that's all.

With parents, we think they are the most mature individuals in the world. However, you notice that when they bicker with each other and/or at their kids, it's over the littlest things. Mainly when they bicker at themselves, it's usually it's just the most insignificant things. Rather than finding a common solution and comprimises, it's either being right or wrong, or getting what I want and screw what he or she thinks. Just like the kids, we're all not perfect.

Racism is formed when one believes that his ideals and beliefs are supreme than those around him. Everyone believes that it caused by the influences of others when we are really young. I think the core essence of racism comes from the individual within. No one can control the people around him, only himself. If one learns to rid of jealousy, anger, fear, aggression, and greed towards others, then one can free himself from racism and immaturity altogether. The older one gets, the harder it is to rid of the idea of supremacy between himself and others, which will endanger the minds of his offspring and the cycle continues.

Wishes for the next year, clear mind of any ideas of supremacy, be mindful, and join groups with hands in the air saying, "I just want to have fun."

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Winter break seems busier than school! I think I undertook so many missions that working 8 hours a day is like the vacation time or something. Oh well, got to handle the peoples tomorrow. I just wanted to rant tonight on why I'm pretty much the glue. Simply, that dependable. What's my next task, please?