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Level Up! The Return of Mr. *Clap-Clap* N-G-O!
Saturday, August 28, 2004
In the middle of the night, Kim calls?! Fuck! And again she calls. My god...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I guess that's what I get for telling her to call on Friday. Dammit, like damn, this is getting too annoying. I was just hoping that she forgets about me or gets another guy to bug, but ah man, I think she never had a boyfriend and she's obsessed. And it's my fault too. Damn...somebody please help me on how to lose her!
Man, this is harsh. I wish I could just say just don't talk to me anymore. But, dammit...
Anyway, I'm working 12-8 today, drop on by the Target in Ventura. I need some familiar faces to keep my sanity...
Thursday, August 26, 2004
I recall this one night where Cindy wanted to just get out of the house just to get out of the house and it didn't matter if she and I went alone somewhere. First, I picked up Cindy and I had my sister's car so we could get more people to join. Next it was Brian, and we played with his bunnies that he had out in the front door for a bit. We decided to check up on Willy because he seemed to drop off the face of the earth. Turns out, he was home, in his room, cleaning his computer, and wanting to go with us as well. So, it was the four of us and pool night was the main idea. So we did that, and afterwards Brian was hungry and wanted some Jack n' the Box. It was quite interesting driving moment. First off, I turned in to the drive through, but I turned into the wrong road, it was that deceiving loading zone. So I back out, and I backed too far and hit the curb. But, I got everything straightened out. Then, Brian tells me to order 100 fahitas, but he said 100 fa-gi-tas and I was about to say that at the ordering window until after about 10 seconds I realized that I was going to get slapped. Brian insisted that I say that all the way up to the pick up window and there the lady workers were pretty entertained by my defiance.
We decided to go up into the hills of Ventura to get a good look at the city. I was pretty scared because first it was a foggy night, and being on the hill, I couldn't see more that like 10 feet in front of me. And I was driving on the road with no guard rails or anything going up hill. So, going back down was an adventure as well. But, we made it out safely and we decide to head towards the Seaside Beach. But, first we took this one road and I look at my right and saw that there was a street that had a steep drop as I passed by. So I turned around and decided to go down that steep hill of a street. Man, I should have as soon as I was on the hill just let go of the brake and get that rollercoaster first drop feel. But, I inched my way down and at one point I did let go and the car accelerated pretty fast. So, I parked the car and we all reflected on that steep hill on North Palm road I believe that's where it was.
We headed to Seaside Beach and it was a new experience because the waves crash closer than where I was used to see. And they crashed on the rocks that created the barrier between water and the beach. It was a great night.
Today, I worked and I didn't really feel any energy while I was working. I did sleep quite a bit and ate pretty good stuff, so I didn't know why I felt just not really into what I was doing. It was strange. But, I made it through, but on Saturday I got 8 hours to work and I haven't really worked that long in any situation. So hopefully I don't have something like today for Saturday.
Does Cisco know that I work? Probably not, but he seems to call when I'm at work and I call him when he's at work. When one of us is free, the other is not. In a broader picture, I haven't really talked with anybody other than probably Lladira yesterday. So, I have no idea what's everyone been up to all this week it seems. I guess we're all geared up to go back to school or something. Wait, what am I saying? Going back to school?! Ack!
Final thought, I wish I was rich, then I can help out in a lot of ways. But, I feel so helpless and can only listen to the problems. I'll be at the pool place right now clearing my thoughts...
Sunday, August 22, 2004
I was sitting outside in the parking lot and my 45 minutes are long from being up yet. I decided to call Cindy and Cisco just to see what's been up with them. But, they don't answer. So, about seven minutes left to go, I go back inside Target and sit on the can. Cindy decides she was available right then and there and calls me up. So, stuck on the can until lunch break is up.
Cindy is probably the only person that knows that I work at target before this is written. I've only worked there for two days so far and it's been alright doing cashiering. I feel real sleepy right now actually, probably I've just been deprived of sleep these past few days for either waking up for the morning shift, or waking up to take care of my little cousins. But, work was pretty fun, this one point was undescribable...
Scenario: Senior lady named Linda gets off work and buys stuff at Target. She comes up to my cashier lane.
Linda (looking at my name tag): Hi, Chris you're new hear aren't you.
Me: Yeah, just started today.
(I finish ringing up all of her stuff)
Linda (while leaving): Around here, they call me the sex goddess.
(I look across the store startled)
A few days ago, I went to bed at 3 am, and my mom wakes me up at 8 am saying that almost the entire cousin squad was coming over. It was basically my mom and I watching over all these kids, although during the day, I didn't see my mom much in the house. But, it was wild, all of my Nintendo systems and computer emulators were lit up. I blame my cousins for two things, first one of them had some kind of pathogen that caused my mom and I a cough that they didn't seem to be affected by. And two, I've been massively playing the classics, The Legends of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time and trying to get all the secrets back in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Up to that point, I haven't really been playing videogames during the summer or quite that extensively since probably last summer. But, dammit, I've been kicking the habit...but I beat Zelda today so hopefully I'll calm down on it. Also, Ethan loved my Desert Eagle BB Gun. He was shooting at his brothers gangsta style.
Ethan (after firing the gun): I'm Rick James, bitch.
I haven't been all lost on videogames. Cousin Jackie seems to come over quite often for both videogames and we go to the park where she practices her tennis game. I know she'll whoop me in tennis one day. But, it's been fun, but sleep depriving, and it's not even the school year yet.
Come to think of it, of my entire family, although Ethan's family has Playstation, but I have enough systems and videogames for everyone to play. I guess they view my house as one grand arcade or something. So, I guess that's why they enjoy going to my house...and the BB gun too...
Last Thursday was my grandfather's memorial service. It was hard seeing him first and knowing that it was the last time that I would see him. But, seeing him for the last time dressed in a suit with a ceremonial blanket with the finest flowers and ritual service, resting comfortably without machines all over him, I felt happy that this was probably what he wanted.
After the ceremony concluded, I went outside and saw a familiar car. I checked out the car and it had the same design and some damage to be Cisco's car. He was playing pool right across the street from where the ceremony was taking place downtown Oxnard. I haven't seen him in a while and we caught up on what's been happening. On the same day I had orientation to Target so I couldn't see off my dad who was going to Vietnam to attend my grandfather's final resting place. Since these times, my family members hear seem to be running around a lot and I find myself taking care of cousins. Stephanie's not around at all it seems at these times as well. But, it's been alright for the most part.
Today, I get a phone call from Allen. He sucks now because he got to go to the Ozzfest in Illinois. He summed it up in three words, "Fucken bad ass!" He went to describe what happened during the concert and stuff and also he'd be coming home for two weeks next this coming Thursday. It sucks that I have a 12-6 shift that day. Maybe he'll come late night, but before that, I reminisced on something that I kind of smiled too that happened last summer...
Scenario: Allen and I were talking in my garage when across the street neighbor Jill comes out. Jill is a pretty hot blonde about 4 years older than I am. We were friends since way back when we were little kids but lost touch when we moved but got back in touch when we moved back...
Allen (looking across the street at Jill): I didn't know you had neighbors like that.
Me: Oh, that's Jill, she's a friend.
Allen: A friend?! Why aren't you telling me these things?! You got to help me out here!
Me: Oh no, she already has a kid.
(Allen goes to the kitchen gasping for air)
Me: Are you ok?
Allen: Oh man...
I'm real sleepy now, write again next time...
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Monday, August 16, 2004
I've been thinking a lot about how to approach this entry for awhile. And right now, I find it hard to organize still. I guess I'll start on the positive side and progress kind of chronologically through what's been happening with and around me. Remembering all the positive stuff is kind of hard right now too...
We'll start off with all of us didn't know where to go for one night until Brian said to go to the fair. And it was so. We arrived on Main Street of Ventura, parked, and walked to the fair grounds. When we were walking, the fireworks went off and Cindy and I stopped to watch it. Unfortunately, when the fireworks go off, that means the park closes all entries into the park. So, no fair for this night. We were stuck on where to go next...although we did entertain ourselves with the sounds that comes from pressing the crosswalk buttons in Ventura, climbing on top of Cisco's car, and going side by side talking to each other on the road out of the windows of our cars discussing on where to go next. We finally decided to go to Barnes and Nobles probably to get coffee. We went to the DVD and music section and check stuff out. It sucked that they were out of Kill Bill vol. 2 DVD's. I would have bought it if they had a copy. But, Barnes and Nobles quickly closed down as well, and we were stuck once again on where to go.
I lead the way with my truck going through Ventura and going on the freeway. Cisco's car party had no idea where I was going. Neither did I. Until Brian mentioned coffee on Derrick's cell phone that I lead them to the Coffee Bean at the Rose. Unfortunately, that also closed...and so did Krispy Kreme. But, Wendy's was still open, at least the drive through was. Brian bought a CD from Barnes and Nobles and since Cisco's car didn't have a CD player, I played it in mine. Brian and Derrick sat in the back trunk mainly to listen to the 311 CD as we waited to order our stuff at Wendy's. For some reason, Cisco and Cindy, who were ahead of us in the drive through, took a long time just ordering and receiving their meals. Also, there were a lot of people at the drive throughs at the hour, so Brian, Derrick , and I were just screaming at Cisco up ahead, "What's taking so long?!" and "Hurry the fuck up!" like Willy in the shower status. The people that saw us were just entertained because I got two guys in the back of my truck like my own personal pit crew, we're just screaming to hurry up, and finally Derrick jumps out of my truck to push Cisco's car out of the way so we could approach the window. Also, our headbanging to the fast songs probably added a little more flavor. After all of us got our stuff, we all sat in the back of my truck, ate, talked, listen to music, ate too much stuff for one night though.
Derrick and I headed back to Cindy's place to wait for Cisco and her to come there. And that night resembled much like Cindy's birthday night, Derrick and I were there for a long time, and they didn't come there. We laid in front of Cindy's garage and stared at the stars. Derrick and I had the discussion of relativity and time with kind of the reasoning that the stars seem to be in the same positions nightly if you ignore earth's rotation. Anyway, since Cindy wasn't returning, we decided to see if they were at Brian's house or Cisco's house. Came up negative as I drove around. So, we headed back to Cindy's and talked again about random stuff and finally Cisco and Cindy shows up around 1 am when she needed to be back at 12 am. Well, we joked around saying that we got there at 12 am so Cindy's safe from parential units. Cisco, Cindy, Derrick, and I were just talking some more about what to do with the vehicle that Cindy is annoyed by and other stuff, work, school, etc. We thought that Cindy's sister Catherine was peeking out the window to see what's up with us. So we were planning to make a ramp for my truck and angle it perfectly that the lights on my truck would shine through Catherine's room. "Caught spying" would probably be the theme to the stunt. Afterwards, Derrick left and Cisco left and Cindy said that she can't sleep until 5 am or so I stayed to talk with her. It wasn't until 3 am that I went home to sleep.
On a Topper's Pizza night, Brian and Cisco had nothing to eat all day. Derrick joins us but he already ate pizza when he walked to Little Caesars and I just finished eating with my family. As we were sitting at the round table, Derrick and I got a quarter and played the coin game while Cisco and Brian were scarfing down the pizza. After they finished, we put everything aside and cleared the round table to get a four player coin game going. We haven't played that since pretty much Hilburn's Calc class and that was over two years ago. If you don't know what the coin game is all about, just ask and we'll demonstrate. We got a pretty good rally going until one of us remembered that we needed to pick up Cindy when she called a little over a half an hour ago. We jetted out of Toppers to head over to her house and she was standing outside waiting for us. I don't know how long she was standing outside because she did call awhile back. We left to go play pool at Billiards. There were a lot of familiar faces that night. One, Cisco thought was jailbait, but it was Jo Marie, a year older than me, definitely not jailbait status. It was great having a chat with her because haven't seen her in such a long time.
During the night, Brian said the he was going to get married in a couple of years. I'm taking it as simi-serious and simi-joke because we were all discussing, "Oh yeah, you're going to get married in 6 different nations." First there's Mexico, next is Hawaii and Samoa, China, and other places. Mexico is going to be rough, China you need to bribe the people or fend them off with a baseball bat while they're chasing you, and most importantly, get the blessing from the Pope in the Vatican. Yep, Brian must accomplish a lot of things before marriage is complete.
I guess it was really good for me to reflect on these things before going to this. Last Thursday, it seemed like any other day. My dad comes home saying that my grandfather was in emergency care. I was thinking it was like the time where grandpa had to be placed in ACU where he came out of it. I get a call from Jackie saying that she wanted to come over and it was alright. Jackie, cousin, 10 years old, don't think anything other than that. During the time, we played Yugioh and she makes me laugh. Jackie's father, Uncle Johnny, comes by and I thought that he was going to pick her up. However, he brings news to us that my grandpa passed away. For a moment, I stood on the stairs in the dark. I couldn't feel anything it seemed, or thought of anything. My dad and my uncle left to the hospital. Jackie didn't hear what happened, so she called me to play Yugioh again. She started talking again about some funny stuff that she did and I smiled to whatever she said. Then, she asked where my dad went and I told her that he went to the hospital. She knew that her and my grandpa was in the hospital so she asked what happened to grandpa. I told her the truth. She came out alright with it, she knew that it was inevitable. But, she was a little down by the news as well. So, I handed her my deck of yugioh cards and pretty much I placed a bunch of crappy cards in a deck thrown together last minute and pretty much the game stipulations were that if she beat me then she gets ice cream. Of course, she creamed me so it lifted her spirits up and we both enjoyed some ice cream. But, that night, I couldn't sleep. Stuff I said before about my grandpa ran through my head.
Probably what bothered me was that my dad said that on a few of his visits to his father, he saw tears running down his father's eyes that he had to wipe up. I can't help but think that he was suffering a long time or it pains me that we could not know his thoughts, what he wanted for us to do, we just sat by to watch him day after day.
I get scared with the whole death subject. My dad brings it up and it scares me when I look at my dad and I think, "Man, I'm going to lose you one day." I never want to think about that, but I feel sad when it's mentioned.
Thursday at 10 am I'll be on A Street. I don't know what to expect...
To my friends, I love you...
Friday, August 06, 2004
Let's see here...last time, my entry got gobbled up and I got mad.
It's been going pretty good, I haven't died yet on my bike trips...but this one time was pretty funny. It happened on the blue moon day which I think it was last Saturday. I thought it be great to ride around the usual course in Oxnard while looking at the beautifully shinning moon that night. One of my sections is going through Becky and Danielle's part of the neighborhood before heading into Cindy's neighborhood. So I pass by the neighborhood and as I was going down Ebony drive, this guy was trailing behind me and pulls up to stop me and he wanted to talk to me about something. He was all trying to be gangster like trying to say like there were a lot of robberies around that neighborhood and all this stuff about that I shouldn't be going through the same neighborhood twice. Probably earlier before they spotted me riding pass the neighborhood about a week before and when I came around again, one of them got in their SUV and came after me. I was being honest and saying that I was exercising and that I'm 19, probably he thought I was younger and stuff. But, I could sense that he wasn't really honest about being himself. He has no experience on the other side of the tracks, haha! I think that guy lived on the corner directly to the right of Danielle. So, I got to think of something before I move out of Oxnard...
It's kind of depressing in areas. First off, it's tough seeing my grandpa in the hospital. It's hard seeing tubes and oxygen tanks around him just keeping him alive. My dad has sensed that the doctors have given up on him and basically my dad and my uncles have been taking care of a lot of external needs. It was only last summer that my grandpa could stand and do a lot of things like normal, and pretty much everytime I come back to Oxnard from Poly, it's seemed like one after another something goes wrong and now this summer it's like shit.
The feeling of hopelessness is pretty dominant amongst my family. For a lot of my family, it's hard to see my grandpa as well. He's been there so long in the the hospital...
I guess it's time for some lighter notes. Yesterday night, Cisco, Brian, and I went out to get some gifts for Cindy's birthday and afterwards we went to play pool at Billiards. It's hard spliting the money when all of us have flat bills. This night calls for some good old IMP problem solving. I think it took us about 30 minutes to finally figure out how to distribute the money so that everyone was even. The key factor that 30 minutes before that we didn't put in while solving the problem was the change the lady gave back to us.
Jason calls me today because he was bored and wanted to see what's been up with a lot of us here. So, somehow we got to the point where I suggested that for one year, the world will exploit the Asian market, then they'll be a policy that every year companies make improvements to the working standards that are below probably Europe's or US's. So, after a certain number of years, if companies need to export their manufacturing somewhere else that has cheap labor, they go to Africa. Same policies apply, and that's how they can develop Africa. It's just a theory that some united world can adopt...also, I probably got Jason to come down here one 4th of July.
Tomorrow is for finalizing stuff for Cindy's birthday, too bad there won't be the Crusades, but oh well, I guess I can surprise her with some things I have in store...