Thursday, May 20, 2004

I feel like I'm in a whirlwind right now. Mainly there's three stories that are going on right now with and around me.

First, this quiz result:

You seem older than your years, like a wise sage.
Your head always either buried in a book, or
discussing what you have learned with others,
you are Thoth. The creator of writting, and
language, you are full of wisdom. When you
talk, people listen, knowing they will learn
something new.

Which Ancient Egyptian Diety are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Well, I've just been busy with homework and got a midterm in math tomorrow at noon. Basically, this week had a speech that was interesting, but I went 11 minutes on a 6 minute time interval. Not good. Pretty much, homework I've been staying up late hours finishing what I need to accomplish. Last night was Smallville's season finale. Man, season 4 might be the last one because Clark is bound to get more powers during the off season. But then after, I went to the gym to shoot some hoops. Cisco, Izzaro, and I stayed there until closing time which was midnight. Pretty much Wednesday was my off day, but I didn't do any homework for any of the day. So, as I got back, that's when I started and didn't finish until 4 am. I spent another 30 minutes listening to the new Slipknot album that was leaked over the internet. It's so different from the first two, but it has crushing sounds mixed with some beauty that some might enjoy. I'm definitely buying the actual CD when it comes out on the 25th.

Hey Shekinah!

Hopefully I can catch you sometime. We definitely have a lot to talk about. You have really filled my thoughts this past week. I hope tomorrow: 1.) I catch you online. 2.) I survived my math midterm.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Aww man, I wished that I caught Shekinah before she signed off...

Monday, May 17, 2004

Status report...don't want to do this speech shit. I present tomorrow, and I haven't done a damn thing about my topic. And I still am not clear on what kind of topic I want to present to the class. Oh well, I'll try eventually tonight. Maybe I'll do math first. Did I miss anything during the weekend worth mentioning? Oh yeah, let's go back to Saturday again. The Avenue was going to face against the Sandwich Factory workers in a bowling contest. Somehow they didn't show up. So it was just competition within the ranks. Didn't have a good first set. But, in the second game, Ricardo and I had a heated competition. Everytime we went up, we either bowled strikes or spares. So it came to the final frame and I was ahead by some pins. But I didn't bowl the last frame well, probably on got about 7 on that. So Ricardo was up, and he need to get to the third shot of the 10th frame to win the game. But he got few on the first one, and the second one, all but one pin went down. The final score was 131-126. It was pretty fun. Well, I got to get serious with the homework now. Hopefully I can catch Shekinah tonight...

Mmmm, looks like you're a donut!
What Snack Food are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, May 16, 2004

If I got to note something about today, it has to be the internet. To damn slow! Man, pages are loading up like less than 56K it seems like. I remember that I was reading on IRCSpy that a group of Russians were going to launch hack attacks on American computers. I think they were called the HIAA. Anyway, so they were going to implant worms and stuff using the Russian servers. Man, too much worms going around.

Brighter note tonight, probably you'll know who's staring in my dreams...:-)

One Lazy Sunday

Haven't done much today. So, we'll start on Friday...
The entire week has been pretty tough. On late night Friday, we hiked up to Poly Canyon. No lights at all for most of the walking distance. But, with darkness and a full moon, the sky filled with bright stars that you couldn't even see where the dipper or Orion's belt could have been because there were so many that could have been it. Sergio decided he was going to sleep under the "battle dome" until morning. That guy is crazy, the night before he got into a boxing match and I heard that he got knocked down and hit his head on the wood of the coutch and suffered a concussion because of it. So, we were really concerned about him staying out in the battle doom because:

1.) We were concerned about his health being really cold out there.
2.) Poly Canyon has been knowned for people getting raped there.

But, we were relieved that he came back safely at 6 am. Oh yeah, earlier on Friday, I went to see Troy at the threatres with Milton and Justin. That movie kicked ass! If you ever had Borneman lecture about the Trojan war, some htings don't really follow along. But, don't take that into consideration when watching it. Hector vs. Achillies one on one, best fight in the movie.

Yesterday, nothing else mattered for Shekinah made my night. I was just bored in my room when a text message showed up almost at random. First, I thought it was one of my cousins because they always randomly txt message me whenever. But the message said, "Do you know who this is?" So I respond back saying it was either my cousins Ha or Amy. But, another one came in and it responded with fill in the blank status, it's Shekinah. Awww man! Shekinah?! I thought I lost touch with her. But there she was, and both of us engaged in a back and forth phone text messaging. Eventually we spoke to each other and I told her that she was hot and she told me that I was cute. (still blushing) I got her AIM sn and today we talked. I haven't smiled this much in a while.

(waving) Hey Shekinah! I would like to write more about you...

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Generate your Anime Style by Jena-su
Hair:Rediculously long, always flowing.
Clothes:Long, super cool trenchcoats.
Powers:Can talk to animals
Special Features:Fangs
Sidekick:An alternate personality, that on occasion takes on its own physical form.
Attitude:Extremely smart, very quiet.
Weapon:Mallet of DOOM
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!


Saturday, May 08, 2004

It's very hard to type with one arm right now. Why? Well, last Thrusday night the guys of Sierra Madre held there every other week boxing matches. And this night, I participate and my opponent was against the other Willy that lived in the same tower of the Willy that we know. He hit me several times good, and it seemed like he was on crack because everytime I hit him, he would just even crazier. But, we both put on a good show. There was so much that I wanted to do today, but because of the boxing match that night, my left arm got really sore as a result of it and carrying my bags home. Today, the pain got worse. I really, really wanted to do a lot of things today. Man, I'm not doing anything physical anymore before I think I'm going home. Especially since today was Mother's Day and I wanted to get something but it didn't turn out to be that way. I'll post tomorrow...don't want to continue...

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

When I'm with friends, it's always the best time in the world. When I'm in class, I feel somewhat enlightened about things. But, when I'm alone, I reflect on the negatives. Mainly I've been annoyed by things that I've subjected myself into. Kim calls me a good half an hour ago and I just don't really seem interested whenever she talks to me. She rants about getting into fights with other people and beating people up and beating her brother up and it just doesn't seem like I would want to engage with someone like that. I mean, if Kim and I broke up...I don't know if I'll get a shinner in the eye and arms sooner or later. But, she did bring up stuff that I told her before that I was being too picky and I wasn't giving her any chance and stuff. That's pretty much been the truth. What the fuck guys? Here's a person that absolutely likes me, and I've wanted a relationship in such a long time. But why am I not attracted to her? I don't feel a love bubble or I'm in the clouds whenever she calls and stuff. Actually, I feel annoyed whenever she calls. She says that a lot of guys are jealous that I'm talking to her and that she's attracted to me. I'm sorry, but who are these guys? Is Kim one the most attractive person in Hueneme High? I need some opinion here, ummm...I wished that I had a photo and all because I don't know if my eyes see differently or I'm just that paranoid. But, I'll try to find out her blog because she posted pictures of herself on it but I lost the link when my computer kind of malfunctioned.

I'm a moron, I'm and idiot, I'm a dumbass. I'm probably going to regret this entry in the future, but it's how I feel right now. I'm fucked up...

Mna, there was a lot of other things that was going in my mind that I can't seem to put down on this. I just need some kind of feedback...give me something, anything...

Monday, May 03, 2004

It was cool today that between 3 and 4, Cisco worked the same time that I did. Probably the general concensus around everyone is that the year went by like a blur. We only have about 5 weeks left...and a week goes by pretty fast. Year's summary up to now, having the best time, passing all of my I've handled college well so far.

Saturday afternoon started with an action packed outdoor water balloon fight. Man, we had like 300 balloons and a massive balloon production line going. The thing was there was just too many people, so we were just going after everybody, and pretty soon we all ran empty with balloons. But, with the balloons we had, everyone got drenched. Then, it spilled inside Sierra Madre where the guys were filling buckets of water and tossing it at each other. Pretty much the carpet floor was drenched to a point where it made puddles. Awww man, but it calmed down. For, we pinched in a few dollars and we were able to have a barbeque outside. Lot's of chicken, tri-tips and everything else, so good...

And we're still on Saturday night. We all had a bonfire again at Availa Beach. This time it was different. First, we stuck a jar of lighter fluid in the bon fire. It didn't get set off until Mike poked a hole in it. Then, it was massive pyro effects with the flames shooting out from the jar and KABOOM! The entire jar exploded send flying all of the glass sharades everywhere. Nobody was hurt, we all stood back at a safe distance. So, some went to make smores, the rest of us including me played beach soccer with a volleyball. We could barely see where the ball and sometimes each other were, so we're all running into each other, stepping on each other's bare feets. Action everywhere, we were challenging the ball in the sea water and transitioning to the sandy land made it an interesting contest. To end the night, we placed the rest of the palets that we had into one huge stack in the bon fire and watched the flames go as high as possible. Crazy ass Sergio decides to get on top of the stack of palets probably like a minute after most of the palets ignited and stood on top for like 10 seconds with flames shooting around him. Fuck man, we were just hollering at him both to not get on and to get off at soon as possible. But, he survived.

Still Saturday night. So I ride back with Kip. He's been working on his car and made it pretty fast. So, with the road to Availa Beach kind of deserted, he proceeded to tear up the track. Man, approaching corners of 35 MPH, he did it at 75. It was a fun drive back to Poly...

Alright, alright, it's Sunday now. So, I go over to Sierra Madre and basically there was a beach ball that they found yesterday and took home. So, Cisco and I decided to kick it around and eventually with how the hall is structure, we did soccer hitting racquetball. This happened because the internet was down and all. Willy was starting to get withdrawl symtoms as well. For, that day would have been perfect for doing laundry and studying for midterms coming up on Thursday. Hahahahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahahahaha! Neither of those things happened. Somehow, I stayed over at Sierra Madre because once we were bored, we had something to do, either throwing a frisbe at each other or beach balls, playing indoor hand ball. If there was something sporty, we just created something for the indoors. Eventually, we watched 10.5 that showed on NBC I believed. So, I didn't get around to laundry until midnight...and studying was out of the question because the stuff that I needed to study for was posted online, and still the internet was down, yo.

Nothing special today yet...maybe something will eventually happen soon...

Saturday, May 01, 2004

"If women have sex in cardboard boxes, men wouldn't need to buy houses!" - Dave Chapelle

So, I'm kind of drunk now. Doing an entry drunk is going to be kind of interesting. I got others with me now, so I decided that each person here gives a comment on my blog. Since Willy and Cisco don't have blogs anymore, they'll be posting up as well on this. So here's my stuff for the night...

The one and only, the spiky-haired wonder Chris: So, I went out with Justin, Milton, Cindy and Willy to dinner and a movie today. You guys got to go see Mean Girls! Although, if you go with an all guy group, you'll expect to see a lot of girls in the theatres when watching. We have Cindy to back us up when going into the theatres. She's like queen of the posse as Isauro puts it. Two guys on the left, two guys on the right, the queen be in the middle. I'm not making any sense right now. I don't want to either. Anyway, so coming back, Mike was throwing a drinking party in the dorms. We had Cuervo, and basically I felt very light after taking two cups with margarita and quarter cup worth three shots of straight up Cuervo. Cisco has never seen me act this way after drinking like this night. That's it for me. Willy take it away...

William: Well yeah, I basically did the same things as Chris. Mean Girls was actually very good, it was more like a guilty pleasure...good thing we had Cindy there so we can tell people that she "forced" us to go. When we got back, Justin, Pancho, and ESPECIALLY CHRIS got some stuff to drink. LOL, Chris just started laughing at everything and you can totally tell that he is drunk, he's probably not gonna remember anything tomorrow. So right now we're just waiting until 3am until Justin and Chris can go back to their rooms, we dont want any RA's catching them...i heard somebody on my floor already got in trouble for getting to drunk. I cant think of anything else to say, so, here's Justin!:

Justin: Tonight was was soooooooo great...first of all...we went to see Mean Girls.....awwwwwwww.....lindsey lohan is so fine it was worth seeing that was such a chick flik though......but nothing wrong with sitting with a bunch of females..that movie was entertaining...anyway later that night i joined my friends to have a little drink and it was great even though RA's were patrolling the was still all good...its a night i'm gonna remember...i can barely type this...i can see the keys clearly though but i think i'm kind of out of it but i could handle more...i wish it could lasted longer...sooooooooo....this took me a while to poly is here's Cisco...

Cisco: Sup all i got to say is.....FUK YEAH....i LOVE my TOWER!.... p.s drink responsibly.......p.s todo con medida (Corona)..... p.s chin chon ha la

Final word, Justin's having the best ever Friday night. Another Muirion converted to the Sierra Madrian Tres. There will be more nights. Goodnight!