Sunday, February 29, 2004

I never thought that sickness would last this long. Since Wednesday, my throat hurt like a biotch and coughing and swallowing was a real pain. Wednesday and Thursday night was spent me in bed pretty much dead awake. One part my throat was bothering me, probably another was from Milton being up playing his game until 5 am and 6 am respectively. I thought it would really help if he slept earlier, maybe it would have helped things. Probably Wednesday night while I was still wide awake at 3 am I decided to just study Chemistry because I heard from Cindy that it helps bring you to sleep. Well, I tried, went through the entire chapter 20 on thermodynamics and entropy, and still didn't feel tired afterwards. Basically, up until Friday, I got sleep in the afternoon, I don't know why, but I slept better in the afternoon. Very unhealthy because I had to miss about four lectures in hopes of getting better. But, every hour I felt the same, and waking up I felt the same: crappy, tired, hungry, coughing, pissed, worried, man like every bad feeling that you can have. Friday was a math midterm, and wasn't well that day either. But, I found out that if did something that kept my mind off my sickness that I felt ok. But, it's only temporary, and afterwards I felt like crap again. But, I'm optimistic that I aced my math midterm...oh well, I was only on medicine.

I had to go home, I wasn't getting any better up here. Coming home, I wanted just anything that my parents had to offer me to give me some comfort. First night, I felt the difference of having family to care for you, and up here nobody really to kind of see through that you're alright. After the first night at home, I felt relieved that I could swallow without anticipating how much it was going to hurt. Still, I'm coughing, but I can live with it. I just hope that I don't get worse off while staying here.

Thanks everyone for their shoutouts on hoping that I get better, I just want to sleep now, goodnight! Oh yeah, Lladira, what's the password into getting into Bornemania region on nationstates? And which one of the five nations do you want me to move into that area?

My nations:
The Federation of Smackalick
The Rogue Nation of Fox McCloud
The Allied States of Slipknot Maggots
The Republic of Chris Guy
The Principality of Kamui X

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

"Mr. Anderson, welcome back. We missed you." Kind of feels that way with all of the rain that's been pouring this last week. But, yesterday I was doing fine in Econ class and afterwards, my throat started bothering me. It progressively got worse through the day, to the point where I got a headache and had to go to bed early that night. You don't get much sleep when sleeping sick, which leads to a crappy morning. I feel like crap right now. It's a good thing that I don't have any classes to go to. But, I still got to do my assignments. Oh well, I think I want to lie down now.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

What should I do mathwork? Wait...that can wait until Wednesday...That means, I'm free!!! Yay! Ummm...what else...well, Wednesday I'll be doing a lot of homework, but now, Willy rented Bowling for Columbine and American Wedding, so 4 hours of DVD's tonight to go through. We got inspired of renting that video after we saw The Big One by Michael Moore in economics. Another funny movie about corporate America.

Last night, i saw X the movie, where it's totally different than the episodes. Everyone dies! It's too weird...

Oh yeah, must get my laundry...see my results below...

Advanced Big 30 Personality Test Results
Sociability ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Gregariousness |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Assertiveness ||||||||| 30%
Activity Level |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Excitement-Seeking |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Enthusiasm |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Extroversion ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Trust |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Morality ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Altruism |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Cooperation |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Modesty ||||||||||||||| 46%
Sympathy |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Friendliness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 76%
Confidence |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Neatness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Dutifulness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Achievement |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Self-Discipline ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Cautiousness ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Orderliness ||||||||||||||||||||| 69%
Anxiety |||||||||||| 38%
Volatility ||| 10%
Depression |||||| 18%
Self-Consciousness |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Impulsiveness ||||||||| 30%
Vulnerability |||||||||||| 34%
Emotional Stability ||||||||||||||||||||| 69%
Imagination |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Artistic Interests |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Emotionality |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Intellect |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Liberalism |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 85%
Take Free Advanced Big 30 Personality Test

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Greed is unsatisfiable. Probably the past hour I've been reflecting from everyone's blogs and journals and probably consistent with each was talks about Bush and how he could justify going into Iraq. And I thought about with the elections coming up that it's true that when there's choice, there's consequences. But yet, in the last election, Bush didn't get the popular vote, and Florida was handed to Bush. Probably I'd say that was a Republican greed for power. But I think it was the Rock that got Bush the necessary votes. Even I was about to convert to the Republicans after the Rock took to the stage. Almost, but very far away from that. You guys remember the Republican Convention. Anyway, I believed that since they got to go first, and they had the Rock on stage first, that it gave Bush the votes.

We came from an administration where inflation was low, economy was growing, and decent prosperity in general. Now, everybody hates Bush because everything's 180 now.

Oh well, 4 am thoughts...just vote responsibly...

Friday, February 20, 2004

More stuff that I forgot to post up last night...Smallville. I wouldn't have thought that I would be into the WB primetime shows ever, but Cisco introduced me to Smallville recently and I gotta admit that it's pretty good. Check it out sometime, I bet after seeing one episode, you'll get addicted. Other stuff...DBZ uncut version out on DVD, man...there's this one funny part during the Cell games where the reporter flips off Cell. So funny...not even the Japanese version showed that. Just pure comedy hour with the episodes Cisco downloaded.

Didn't pay attention to the Apprentice, Willy and I were playing GunBound. Highlight one round, 3000 damage, 1448 gold gain, and 21 player points. Love the J.D. Anyway, just got up now, time for lunch now, classes and work today, can't wait until I finish in about 6 hours.

Chi Delta Theta = Asian Sorority Ladies = Paradise

Haha! Maybe because Rachel's in it that it's paradise in my mind. It's pretty much been math all this night for me. Registration for Spring classes is coming up, FASFA needs to be done, and a bunch of other stuff...2nd midterms...errr...I got to stop wasting time.

There goes my plan of being totally unproductive this week. But, oh well, this is how it's always been with me. Oh yeah, Campus Market sells Playboy magazines...I didn't know that until at the cash register had the magazine stand, and there it was, Playboy with Sable and Torrie from the WWE on the front cover. Sweet! Did I buy it or not...well, I'll let you guys decide that. Glad that tomorrow is Friday, but I don't want to go to classes, but I have to...getting up tomorrow (or today) will suck. Ask that to Willy when I didn't set up my alarm clock today, arrived like 40 minutes late to Econ only because Willy text messaged me on to where I was at that woke me up eventually. Beats Willy, but, at least the professor didn't stop to acknowledge me like she did to Willy.

Things been kind of cool, kind of hectic, kind of stressful, remedy to all that is sleep. So, off to bed I go. Goodnight!

Monday, February 16, 2004

Already nine, almost bed time for the few, 3 more hours to that for most. Haven't eaten anything yet, waiting for Willy to be done with his Physics stuff. But he said that he was down to the last two problems, so he should be done in an hour or so.

Just now, went down to the arcades playing SNK of course, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, and Street Fighter 3rd Strike. Surprisingly, I beat Marvel vs. Capcom 2, I never thought I accomplish that with one coin. Mainly because I used Francisco's characters that he normally uses. But, actually, they were quite effective. The other two, mainly I just played to use my coins up for as long as possible. Man, I'm sleepy. Finished what I need to do tonight. I guess I can go to bed when I chose to. Oh yeah, still got to put away my clothes. Oh well, I'm still good though.

Coming back, I checked my mail and got a picture of everyone my WOW group. It actually came out pretty good, it capture a lot of our personalities probably inadvertabtly. So, that's what's up with me now. I don't know when I'll be back in Oxnard. If it is Spring Break, then 10 days home. Better than nothing.

Sunday, February 15, 2004


My Grandpa turned 81 today, and I remembered the time last year where he turned 80. I remembered that he was able to walk on his own. Since entering college, I haven't been able to see my Grandpa in such a long time, and he turned 81 today and I felt so grieve strickened. My dad told me to help Grandpa walk to the car. And it was the first time in a while seeing my Grandpa and I saw my uncles almost carrying him to the wheelchair. I was just shocked. When I came to assist him, I could feel that he had no strength in himself to walk or carry himself anymore. And he was shaking too and my dad was talking to my grandpa saying that he wasn't going to fall. I'm just overwhelmed with thoughts of life being so fragile and if it's another time. My thoughts are really dwelling on my Grandpa.


Saturday was the official Valentine's Day. It was set without any thought at all that after getting a long overdue haircut that I would give Lladira roses. I missed her too much, one month gone, rarely online. Man, I was hoping that she'd be home that day because coming home with roses would get my parents suspicious and too much explaination will proceed. Luckily, Lladira came to the door. Bad thing, I woke her up from her nap. Ahhh! For a brief time we caught up on a lot and it was fun talking to her. She's been a real hardworker these past few weeks, so she deserves sleep.


Why I haven't been posting in such a long time...pure laziness. My priorities are in wack right now, I just do it when I feel like it. But, doesn't mean that I haven't skipped out on my priorities. Which is good, but I'm not being efficient right now. I feel like I'm the most productive when I'm sick or just late at night like right now. When I'm healthy, I just don't want to do anything...shouldn't it be the other way around?


Friday Chemistry lecture dealt with the ice box method for solving unknown molarities. Passing the Chem AP exam exempt me from first quarter chemistry, but it didn't exempt me that much of Chemistry in general. My neighbors in lecture usually see me without a notebook open and when they see that I'm getting quizes back with 40 of 40 on it, they're just scratching their heads on how I did it. Also on Fridays is the annual Ice Game at work. But, I just totally skipped work because my dad was picking me up at 3:30 to go home. So week 4 of the series has been nulled.


But, last Friday was the worst Friday ever. You can always tell how your day is going to be on how well you split the chopsticks of Dragon Wok's down the center. So I ate at the Avenue during lunch and I split it and it was totally off. Like one chopstick had all the wood then the other. So I was like, "Crap, bad day ahead of me." Being Friday the 13th as well didn't help much. My nose started to bother me, and I rubbed it and before long, massive nosebleed. It wasn't one of those dripping ones, it was just pouring out of the faucet. Ah man, so a lot of blood went out of me, and my head started to get wosey and I wasn't in the right state of mind for the afternoon.


Earlier in the week, I got a letter from Allen. I haven't heard from him in such a long time as well. Turns out, he wanted me to keep a box of stuff before he headed off into the Navy saying that I was the only person that he knew that he could trust. He's heading off on March 1st. That's two or three weeks away. Man, I wished that I wasn't bombarded with homework tomorrow, I really want to hang out with him, maybe if I could tomorrow, it might be the last time in a while. Priorities can suck sometimes.


"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian...
But, going to war with Germany is like going to Oktoberfest without beer."

That was on someone's door in my hall. Now beer. Let's face it, it's essential in college. Mardi Gras is coming up next week, and San Luis Obispo has one similar to New Orleans. So, no matter what, it's going to be there. But a lot of us are under 21, so expect some of us to get arrested for a lot of things. A good portion maybe. Let's see what happens.


Willy, Francisco, Jason, and I decided to room together next year, and we won the lottery in getting into the Cerro Vista apartments that were opened just this school year. It's going to be sweet, individual rooms, two bathroom, Willy got X-Box, Jason got PS2, and I got GameCube. (Francisco plasma TV?) Kitchen, ah man, glorious. I'm real excited about next year.


I had something funny in mind...but I forgot...long entry does that...sorry.


You know something's wrong if Rachel says hi and I say hi but feel like eh...again bad Friday, not right state of mind.


Never again going to bed after drinking Mountain Dew Code Red. I just laid there in bed, face having head rush, dreaming weird dreams when I eventually fell asleep at 3 am. Lladira thought that I had some beer before going to bed...


My name spells out how I've been...

Friday, February 06, 2004

Chemistry midterm was killer...I totally forgot some of the constants and formulas on the test. Oh well, it's over, and that's all that matters. But, I got another quiz to do, work, weekend until 6 pm. (sigh...) Don't fell hungry, just want to sleep. Can't nap now, class in 2 hours. Last nap recorded 2 and a half. Oh well, let's see what's Cisco up to...

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Normally I don't nap, but I took one today. Actually, it was a pretty decent nap. Came right after math class. We got back our midterms for that class. And the moment she was handing it out, I was just nervous on my results because taking it, I didn't feel confident on some parts and after taking the exam I was kicking myself on the problems that I should have done better. Turns out, I got a flat 90% on it! Yeah! I totally suck now! So, came home, and just plopped on my bed, closed my eyes and slept about a decent 2 hours and a half. I'm up now, time to download some stuff. And go to the bathroom...

Monday, February 02, 2004

Late Night Chat

confusedyellowme: how goes ur mornin~?..heh
Starfox0064x: tired
confusedyellowme: wut u be doin~?
Starfox0064x: nap for about 7 hours
Starfox0064x: get up
Starfox0064x: go to class
Starfox0064x: take quiz
Starfox0064x: bust on out of there
Starfox0064x: anything goes after that
Starfox0064x: u?
confusedyellowme: goin to sleep for 5-6 hours, school for bout 8 hours, den home for crap n junk...n repeat the cycle~
Starfox0064x: oh...what's keeping you awake tonight?
confusedyellowme: eng paper..
confusedyellowme: i couldnt think of anythin to write~
confusedyellowme: but now im done~
confusedyellowme: u~?
Starfox0064x: Chem...
confusedyellowme: oo~
Starfox0064x: I don't know my first, second, or zero order equations yet
Starfox0064x: and probably won't be able to tonight
Starfox0064x: sleep has gotten the best of me
confusedyellowme: eheh~
confusedyellowme: so waht u plannin to do~?
Starfox0064x: go to sleep
Starfox0064x: don't want to think
Starfox0064x: go see darkness and dream about...ladies
Starfox0064x: yeah
Starfox0064x: ladies
confusedyellowme: lol
Starfox0064x: and maybe me flying around and doing neat tricks
confusedyellowme: oo~ tricks~
confusedyellowme: ever dreamed of bein...telekinetic~?
confusedyellowme: it's fun~
Starfox0064x: telekinetic? ummm...dream reader?
Starfox0064x: read minds?
confusedyellowme: no..thats telekinesis i think..
confusedyellowme: telekinetic u move stuff w/ ur mind
Starfox0064x: oh...
confusedyellowme: wait..dere teh same~
confusedyellowme: wuts teh one for reading minds..
confusedyellowme: i forget..heh~
Starfox0064x: telekinesis
confusedyellowme: brain=fried
Starfox0064x: lol
confusedyellowme: how bout urs~?
confusedyellowme: brain=~?
Starfox0064x: tired
Starfox0064x: not functioning well
Starfox0064x: brain = tired + not functioning well
Starfox0064x: brain = 4(tired + not functioning well)
Starfox0064x: and that coefficient continues to climb
confusedyellowme: lol
confusedyellowme: in 3 min..imma go~
Starfox0064x: ok
Starfox0064x: we got to stretch three minutes then
Starfox0064x: let's see
Starfox0064x: ummm...
Starfox0064x: milk and cookies?
confusedyellowme: how bout..
confusedyellowme: anime~?
confusedyellowme: :O)
confusedyellowme: it jus finished DLin..
Starfox0064x: time to watch!
confusedyellowme: *sigh*
confusedyellowme: yea i kno~
Starfox0064x: with just 3 min
Starfox0064x: like I can down a bag of cookies in 3 minutes
Starfox0064x: milk helps the process
Starfox0064x: ok ok...we are at about 2 minutes?
Starfox0064x: or not even a minute passed?
confusedyellowme: heh..
confusedyellowme: down to a min~
Starfox0064x: what?!
Starfox0064x: that fast?!
Starfox0064x: how can time fly so fast?
Starfox0064x: 1 mintue, eh...
Starfox0064x: ummm...
Starfox0064x: what anime did you just download?
confusedyellowme: fushigi yuugi~
confusedyellowme: ep 32~
confusedyellowme: *breathes*
confusedyellowme: i must refrain~
Starfox0064x: refraim!
Starfox0064x: refrain!
Starfox0064x: refrain!
Starfox0064x: go to sleep if you must!
Starfox0064x: bed...soft
Starfox0064x: warm
confusedyellowme: lol
Starfox0064x: comfortable
confusedyellowme: yes i will~
confusedyellowme: thank u~
confusedyellowme: u are a good friend~
confusedyellowme: u go to sleep too~
Starfox0064x: hehe
Starfox0064x: ok
confusedyellowme: since u said u wont learn nethin~
Starfox0064x: goodnight!
confusedyellowme: nite~!
Starfox0064x: I won't
Starfox0064x: learn anything
Starfox0064x: I'm banned from learning temporarily
confusedyellowme: no learn=sleep=bed
Starfox0064x: true
confusedyellowme: now go~
Starfox0064x: so true
Starfox0064x: ok
Starfox0064x: goodnight!

3 hours in the study lounge...time to hit the showers. Did not for the Chem lecture quiz. Praying that it's just on rates and non of the first order, second, and zero orders. Last post of the night before night night as well. Last thought...too many beautiful ladies...

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Good things have to end...time to go back to school tomorrow. Total procrastinator this weekend, I have to do some math, Chem Lab and study for a quiz in Chem lecture. I'm not really that sure if I'm ready for it. But oh well, I have faith of pulling something decent off.

I beat Athena! Yeah! Now I play all challengers. Did you see what Justin did to Janet Jackson during half-time performances? Shit dude! Milton already has that footage on his computer! It's all over the internet now.

I should be studying now. Things to hope for:

1.) A quiz that's nice
2.) A decent Math-142 midterm score
3.) I don't have to do presentation in Econ
4.) A not so boring 3 hour lab
5.) The account that I setted up came through
6.) I finish this post before I go to the bathroom
7.) A decent amount of sleep tonight

Will it all come to be? Maybe. Will one be accomplish tonight? Definitely. How soon? Now...(going to the bathroom)

Should I update

I hate you...I just hate you...(shrugs and walks away)