An accomplishment was made today...I got up at 8:00 on a vacation break day. It's freakin' Christmas Day, it's finally the time to unwrap those gifts underneath the tree. Thanks Tara for the Linkin Park t-shirt! This year, I was really happy with all the stuff that I got...there wasn't that ugly sweater that I seem to get every year. My mom gave me this one shirt that brings us back to old childhood roots. Definitely wearing it as soon as I get in public. My parents went to LA just now because some supermarkets are opened. So, I got some freedom today, but I don't know how long. Not much to do right now, rainning day...I wished it kind of snowed so we get a white Christmas. Anyway, I'm out now...later on...
Level Up! The Return of Mr. *Clap-Clap* N-G-O!
Thursday, December 25, 2003
Tuesday, December 23, 2003
So I checked grades online...good side, pass all my classes and I don't have to take murderous Bio 151 anymore. There's not really a bad side to it all, I passed, that what counts, I guess. Probably the bare minimum status, but I'm alright. I can move on to get to the Chemistry of it all. Hopefully, it isn't that murderous, but you know, I don't know if the Cal State schools are getting into the habit of becoming a UC where they admit a lot of the freshmen in, and make the intro classes so hard that they fail out. That's what my dentist told me while he was doing my check up yesterday, because his son went to UCLA.
Yesterday, rounds of pool and Marvel vs. Capcom 2, good Oxnardian times. My sister and I watched A Beautiful Mind again. It's kind of a different feel of the movie from the first time to this time. When we first saw it, we basically sided with Nash and we thought that he was right about it all until we learned that he was a schizophrenic or however you spell it. Now this time, when you already know he's a schizophrenic, then you're urging him to figure it out.
Remember the story that I was writing where Allen, Francisco, Willy, Victor, Clay, Max, and I were on a warship and it exploded and we went on seperate adventures? I had a sudden insight and thoughts of going with it, but I don't know. I have a sketch in my mind about Max, Willy, and Victor's story in Saudi Arabia, and Clay and Francisco's story coming back to Oxnard, and there's more stuff afterwards that happens. But, eventually I have to get back to the island where Allen and I with all the ladies, and I just don't really want to have conflicts with people. So just give me an opinion if you want me to or not.
Goal of today: Go to Lladira's house...
Sunday, December 21, 2003
So, started today off going to Chuck E Cheeses for my little cousin's 7th birthday. I wished Jackie could reach the gas pedals so that she could race in San Francisco Rush better. But, played just about everything there...too bad there weren't any fighting games. It's just too kiddish, other than the Star Wars game. Then after, basically just played on the MAME and Nintendo 64 games. Dude, my mom let her friend borrow the GameCube, so I've been sticking to Mario Kart. Maybe if I don't get it back, I may have to turn back to the Duck Hunt. Around 5, I went to Tara's house to exchange gifts with her. I haven't seen her in a while, so it was good catching up with her. I loved the gift that she gave me. She seemed really excited with hers. So yeah, love getting reactions. Glad that I caught her before she left on her trip. I'm here, just here...typing this...talking online to's home for two weeks, so I got restrictions now. Dentist appointment tomorrow...damn...I had a lot of stuff planned tomorrow too, I totally forgot about the dentist appointment...
Saturday, December 20, 2003
I haven't really been doing much. Just lots of household chores and tasks is pretty much makes my day. However, I've gotten around to the things that I wanted to accomplish over break. But, it seems like I'm just doing tasks of doing stuff for people. Mainly driving them around. Anyway, formatted this computer, it's all optimized with stuff it needs now. Man, my sister is crazy...over 2 GB of music. Fit them all in 3 CD. Hopefully she won't notice that they're gone. But, I got them backed up. Ummm...anything else...not really...just been catching up on shows. You got Real World vs. Road Rules: The Gaunlet, the NBA, and a whole lot of other crap. Oh yeah...I saw stand up comedies from David Chapelle's "Killing them Softly" and Chris Rock's "Bigger and Blacker." You guys got to go rent them sometime if you haven't already done so. But, it's just all been the same pretty much, nothing seems to be different like time still stands still or something. Oh well, I'm hoping to finalize stuff tomorrow or today if you want to be accurate...Sunday, I'm at Chuck E' Cheeses for another sibling cousin birthday party. I ought to go to bed now...
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Fuckin' pissed at my sister, she gets pretty well paid at her job, still she demands money from me. So selfish. If she hears that I got paid or something, she's like a shark and just after me for every penny and I never borrowed from her. Probably I only see her about an hour a day mainly she goes out with friends and I don't know if she's poor or not for going out so much, but she asked me today at the wrong time for reasons mentioned in the previous entry. But, what I'm saying, she freaking bought a laptop computer, I bet she can hold her own. But, she just made degrading remarks to me that I was just extremely upset by her, just fuck her...
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Probably the big thing of the day...70 Bucks Gone!
Oh, kind of sounds like...
Man, that car don't come out until next year, where in the fuck did you get it?
That's eighty-thousand bucks GONE, where in the fuck did you spend it?
Ludacris, that's where it's from. But, 70 bucks to a good cause...I'm such a sucker...but, still it's for good people. Nothing much really to say right now...but...maybe make a wish list right now...
"clap clap" Chris's coming out of my head, so it's not like a ranking list...
Static X's "Shadow Zone" or "Wisconson Death Trip" albums
Slipknot's "Disasterpieces" or "Welcome to Our Neighborhood" DVD's
Bottle of Gel (that couldn't hurt...scratching chin)
Black jeans
Baseball Bat (shrugs...)
A real sword (shrugs...) alright, maybe just a fencing sword...
Ah, it's too hard making a wishlist of everything at this hour. Man, I wished that I could join Brian, Cisco, and Willy at pool today. Oh well, Wednesday looks promising. Chris here, just doing my thing...
Saturday, December 13, 2003
As you can see...I'm pretty much bored out of my mind here. A lot of my favorite sites are blocked here. Damn, but upside that this computer has DSL connection. Bad side, no speakers! Dad must work faster! Or I'll start breaking some of these beakers and stuff and messing with all of their formulas! Maybe do more online quizes...
General conscensus or however you spell it with my grandparents, I've become skinnier. I don't know...maybe I'll gain back some of the weight at home during these three weeks. Got to do some trainning as well...
Them weekends. Went to see my grandparents, and now I'm at my dad's work place right now. I thought we were going to get a Christmas tree...oh well. So, yeah, get Christmas tree, make the house smell good and a little bit different then normal. My parents were all waiting for me to get home to do this. I don't think Stephanie can fill my shoes on these things...
Yesterday was the day that begins the winter blissness. But, since everybody is still at school and having some projects coming up, there's not really much to do this weekend. But, it's alright, some reason I just want to be left alone for a little bit. Today was the only exception, I went to Lladira's house...just for the heck of it. Everyone's getting sick! Not fun when people are sick. But, if I caught what Lladira caught, it wouldn't matter. It's the germs that binds us all! Seeing Lladira always seems to bring comfort.
I've been dubbing up on South Park and kind of been watching TV. Haven't watch a lot other than just Dragonball and Rouini Kenshin that Cisco's been downloading at Cal Poly and the news. But, it seems like, there's nothing really on that I like. Maybe it's because it's just those afternoon shows. Anyway, I think I'll go to sleep now. Amazing that the past six entires I've written in the early mornings...oh well...maybe I'm more inspired on updating this thing at night.
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
You are Spearmint.
You are quick-witted and sharp. You pay close
attention to details and you can tell what your
friends are feeling. You are always the first
to understand a joke and you are valued for
your insight and advice. However, you
sometimes isolate yourself from other people,
afraid to share your own feelings.
Most Compatible With: Cinnamon
Which Tic-Tac Flavor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
One of those free days. Basically, I've been gone from the room to train Willy to be somewhat decent in Calculus because he slept through most of it during the quarter and we got one day left, and hopes of him acing it seem pretty dim, but for him passing the final is in question still. Other than that, I went downtown to see a Christmas gift. Planned on wrapping it today, but Willy's trainning session got in the way, and I'm just extremely lazy right now.
Just been updating a lot of things on the internet now. I don't know what got into me, but I decided to read some of my old entries from the deadjournal days. It was odd in some aspects because some of the entries I felt like somebody hacked into my journal and added them in there, but it was actually all me. Maybe it was the difference in writing or something. But, I stopped when I saw an AIM conversation with Kira. I then remembered how it was like one year ago, now it's abruptly different. 1 things change it's always't really explain it...
Sunday, December 07, 2003
Errr...I don't really know what to say at this hour. I feel very contemplative about things, wants and desires that probably I'll never get, but are the driving force for why I exist. As much as you give to someone or something, it feels like you never get as much as you hope for. So one feels hopeless, effort for nothing, discouraged, empty.
I don't know...I think I've experienced a mood swing today. Maybe because of the thought of finals? I feel that people do care about me, but to them I'm distrusted. Maybe I really am evil or something. Anyway, I feel that I have to restrict a lot just for the comfort of individuals to stay at a normalcy where things don't change. But what's the point in living if we can't evolve? We become dangerous if we change to some that want things to stay at normalcy. Testing waters...experimenting...I don't know why I feel this way right now.
Well, back to reality. The Last Samurai rocked! Willy and I went to see it yesterday. Ha! Willy couldn't last the uphill bike ride! He should do some more bike trips with me. So nothing like trying out the new game SNK vs. Capcom SVC Chaos at the arcades. It brings back the old Street Fighter style unlike Marvel vs. Capcom where it's mainly super power projectiles and unleashing super combos at the right time. Who ever programed Mai in the game did a good job! I don't care if she's virtual reality, she's hot! But, that's Cisco's main character so whenever I'm facing off with Cisco, I'm like.....................................................because she reminds me of........................
Yeah, I got to study all day tomorrow...don't botter me...
Friday, December 05, 2003
A lot of beautiful ladies is pretty much the story. Cindy probably could tell that from me during dinner today. I don't know, ever since Allen and I discussed about establishing ourselves and not really go for deep relationships that things became a lot more enjoyable. I seem to be more approachable to them. And I enjoy their company. Oh well, that's in my opinion. Anyway, I don't really expect to get up for my 8 am class being that it's almost 2 am while I'm writing this. Today, I had to revise my essay almost 5 times because it was worth 300 points and I have to score a high D on it to get a B in the class. Pretty much I stopped at 5 revisions because my time was up and I needed to turn in the essay. I took a longer nap then I should have...damn. So, countdown continues, about 6 days and 12 hours before I'm out of here. Hopefully I can end this quarter on a high note and do well on all of my finals. Biology on Monday shouldn't be a problem, basically dealing with evolution topics, which beats all the DNA and cell icky-icky stuff. Then a math final that's cummulative, so the more points the better, so that I can get an A in that class. Right now...bed time...goodnight.
Thursday, December 04, 2003
Yeah, I'm still up right now. I should be rewriting my English fact I should have been doing that for like the past 5 hours, but I felt like doing massive updating on a lot of online stuff. I think I can pull it off, if I start at 1, I think my essay can be cleaned up and readable at 5 pm.
I've been playing around with the JPEG Imager and Konverter programs. So, it's pretty sweet now that I can upload pictures of various sizes. So, updated and created new nations with flags for them.
Other than that..probably I got to note that the internet is getting too flooded with advertisments. The google tool bar started the day off of 90 pop-ups blocked, and it's now at 114. And some pop-ups still get through, like the morgage ones. I don't need it yet!
Oh yeah, my computer is running out of disk space. Drive C: reported just 68 MB left. Oops! I must have gotten too many programs.
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
Actually, the Bio Lab final wasn't all that bad, I don't think I scored a perfect like probably most of my classmates will, but I did alright.
It appears that I don't get out of here until next Thursday, which sucks because my Bio Lecture final will be on Monday I think, I don't have and English final, and the last final is Calculus.'s so simple, I don't really need to study for it. But, that leaves Tuesday and Wednesday of doing nothing, and I have to abide by the 19 hour quite hour week during that time. So, no heavy metal music...damn. Maybe I'll get Rachael something during those times.
I think I want one of those long black trechcoat....I don't know...random thought.
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
I got a final for Bo Lab coming up tomorrow...impending doom...
Last night, AIM got crazy for me. First, helping out Lladira, Danielle scares me, Cindy procrastinating, Dinah having no homework, Sheryl with UC applications...others that I don't remember that clearly. That night I was supposed to get started studying the Bio Lab, but who can say no to all of them? So it leaves just today to get Bio Lab straight, but I don't want to get into it right now. I just want to do nothing for some reason...