Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Lladira was so happy today! It was great seeing her back to herself. Nothing much happened other than I got some private lessons from Tara's friend. More on that later. Bottom line of the day, Kira looked damn fine today!

"In the long run, we're all dead," - Keyes

Learned that in unite 5 Econ today. Man, this guy had it down...

Yeah, I'm going to hell in the 7th level. That was pretty fun! So if Danielle hacks me up sometime in the future, below is where I'm probably most likely be going. In econ right now, doing nothing, so I'll be playing games now...

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)High

Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test

Monday, April 28, 2003

I don't want to do homework...not really in the best condition to do so. So, I'm going to check out for tonight. See ya tomorrow...

How Arabian...
mojorisin086: as long as she doesn't make me smile in my prom picture
mojorisin086: everything will be fine
Starfox0064x: your going to smile
Starfox0064x: I think the photographer will make you
mojorisin086: watch me
Starfox0064x: it'll seem like your not enjoying yourself
mojorisin086: i won't
mojorisin086: oh, i will be
mojorisin086: but i won't smile
mojorisin086: it's just not me
Starfox0064x: how arabian...
mojorisin086: very arabian
Starfox0064x: lol

Last night I tried to sleep on a really bad sore throat with about 4 hours of actual sleep time. This morning, started pretty ill, just didn't want to go to this day. But it started off with me having a lot of mucus in my mouth and I had to spit at a pretty mean wad in Hilburn's sink. Fortunately, nobody questioned me. But, I really wanted to relax and not think too much, but I had a presentation for Pickrel. I don't really like presentations, but I made my classmates say "awwww" it a very sentimental point of my speech, so it was all good. Felt a lot better with the adrenaline rush of stage fright. But, when all the adrenaline was gone, I just had the cough and a light-headed headache. I didn't want to really talk to anyone today, just sleep. Oh yeah, on a brighter note, the test we took at Hilburn's house indicated that I could of gotten a 3 on the AP AB Calculus Test. Bad news, BC grade was a 2. So I need to drastically improve. Other things that happened were that I got my hair cut and bought a corsage, so I hope I got the perfect one for Kira. I'm going to lie down for a while before I start homework...

Saturday, April 26, 2003

Let's see what I did...
Got up almost school time status to go to Hilburn's house to take the final. I love driving on the freeways! I got there, but I was one of the first people. So I got to sit at the table with Amy, Jeremy, and Nick. Hilburn has an old dog which is the coolist dog in the world! It's one big ass Golden Retriever! And it doesn't move a lot, it just lays on the floor and loves to be petted on. It's like one big living rug. So, we were preparing to take the calculus final and Jeremy busts out with a supply of chinese AAA batteries for his TI calculator. Amy points out that they were from China. Jeremy responds, "Yeah, those assholes sell everthing cheap." If you know Jeremy, he likes saying asshole a lot, so don't take any offense, but it was pretty funny. The actual test, there were some parts that I nailed, and parts like the Maclaurin and Taylor Polynomials I just gave up on them. Spent too much time than I needed too on them which cost me a couple of easy questions in the free response. Hopefully I did good. But, after the test, I had a chess match against Jeremy. Jeremy had a lot of experience, but I won somehow. The funniest match was John vs. Phil. (shaking head...) I don't know how Phil's king got to a corner when the rest of his forces were at the opposite end. But it was a good outing. So, I came home and my dad wanted me to go and rent a tux somewhere. I wasn't really tired so I went to Gary's and got measured up. I think my tux is pretty kick ass.
Next week it's going to be hectic for all of us, with contacts, reservations, rides, and other expenses. I hope everything runs smoothly...

Friday, April 25, 2003

ShdwLone: game on!!
ShdwLone: life or death....
ShdwLone: jeez..
ShdwLone: i hate life..sometimes....
Starfox0064x: game on!!!?
ShdwLone: b bak...
Starfox0064x: alright
ShdwLone: yea
ShdwLone: the anual colonia games are on!!
Starfox0064x: your not even in colonia!
ShdwLone: gonna be......some asian..guy..naimed "Kai".....vs..."Alejandro"..
ShdwLone: yup
ShdwLone: no ima go
ShdwLone: u tink they'll beat me up if i take me calc book? :-D
ShdwLone: eh....
ShdwLone: well be bak in a few..
Starfox0064x: alright...
ShdwLone: Kai..shouldn't last long....
Starfox0064x: damn

ShdwLone: dun forget the dos X
ShdwLone: O:-)
Starfox0064x: lol
Starfox0064x: I'm not going to bring that!
ShdwLone: awww....
ShdwLone: :'(

Auto response from ShdwLone: CHRIS aint bringing dos X !!!!


Find out which band you are!

I thought I was going to meet up with Cisco at John's billiards place today afterschool. Turns out, Brian and Cisco had one on one competition at Billiards Arcades. But, I jetted to John's place and saw just him there practicing his shots alone. We both thought that Cisco and Brian were going to come over. So to past the time, me and John began playing Billiards. He pretty much whooped me, 3 games to 1 on 8-Ball last pocket. The one game that I won was a miracle. My last shot was the eight ball side pocket. And I hit the cue ball pretty funny, and it hit the eight ball, richochet off of three banks, and went into the designated pocket. It was awesome! But John was making some pretty clean shots like a pro, so he was a lot better. John's the man for letting me play for free. Alright, what do I have to do tonight...oh for Calculus final. (banging head in keyboard 3 times) asknldcvxzwqeh890...Oh well, I'll be ok. Posting more later...

Starfox0064x: :-)

Auto response from KiraSHappy: im shoppping for prom stuffffs for mi dressy ;-) sarah..just call be there

I scored a 39% on the "HoW FiliPiNo ArE yOU?" Quizie! What about you?

Another weird school schudual. So, I don't really feel like doing much tonight, but I have to catch up on the UCCP work. But, today I'm going to shoot pool at John's place at Hollywood Billiards. This weekend is pretty well documented:

1.) Hilburn's house
2.) Shopping for suit for prom
3.) Turn in SIR for Cal Poly
4.) Read Pride and Prejudice and create powerpoint presentation
5.) UCCP

But today was pretty much laid back. It sucks that I can't access some of the brain builders to complete some of my assignments, and the internet server at this school is ready to die, so it can't download the stuff that I need. Pickrel's not here today so I think I'll stay here for a while...

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Don't have to go to school in another 2 hours, just updating stuff. Last Sunday, I beat Starfox Adventures. Yay! I forgot to mention that in the previous entries. I'm probably going to jet on over to Cindy's house. I don't know if she's home alone. I hope that I don't get her mom breathing down my neck. Oh well, time to play videogames...

Round 2 and final round late night at school. The paper was coming together when I left, still stuff needed to be done. It was pretty funny at one point when I was discussing that I needed to wear something corral to prom to compliment Kira's dress. I didn't really know what corral looked like at the time, I assumed it was an aqua style color because of like the coral reef. Either Tara or Meghan came across saying I needed a pink something, and it finally hit me when they mentioned that corral was a pinkish color. I flipped at the fact that I was going to have to wear pink and they all laughed at me. But they showed me what corral looked like which to me it was a really hot color. So I have a vague picture of what Kira's dress would look like. But, it's all good. To pull off an outfit means to wear it with pride, so I'll go in there with lots of pride.
Tomorrow, I don't have to go to school until 10:30, so maybe I'll crash at Cindy's house early morning and maybe play on her playstation.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Yay! I'm done with my sports article, it's pretty ultimate, so I hope the Varsity Boys Volleyball Team are happy with it...

I'm back home now, spent until 11:00 tonight at school. We had to do a power point presentation for the senior activities tomorrow. But, I think it's a bust because I don't think many seniors are going to the assembly anyway. So, all today, I've been thinking a lot, mainly about like the worst outcomes that could happen in the future and decisions that people make that has the worst scenarios behind them. So I've been pretty down afterschool until I realized that hey, you got what you wanted and need, so enjoy the moment while it lasts. Not everyone gets an opportunity that you have, so it's more than enough and it is as good as it gets. Just take everyday as is, that is take everyday as a normal day no matter how good it was or how bad, and you'll be fine. Yeah, my thoughts related to a lot of things circulating around me, so I have a clearer focus and perspective on things. So what that the intentions behind things were not good, at least you got it.
Alright, back to reality. Hilburn, being evil that he is, decided that our final for one of our classes will be placed at his house on May 3. May 3!!! Prom Day! Man, the test is going to be so evil and is going to blow our brains out, that I don't know what that Saturday's going to be like going home and getting ready to go in a few hours. My intentions going into prom was to look a little bit different from the usual self. But with Hilburn's curveball, it's one of those unknown factors. I really want to look my best, so I'll find a way. I got to head to work on my article, let's hope I don't sleep at the computer...

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Alright, I'm still really happy today from yesterday and that's a good thing because I have to survive like 5 hours in hilburn today. But, who cares, I'm happy! Well, today I'm staying afterschool because of the newspaper. It's been a pretty slow month so we don't really have much done. Damn, I didn't bring my AIM CD's! Dang, I can't communicate with anyone tonight...

Monday, April 21, 2003

Conscious self
Overall self
Take Free Enneagram Test

(still smiling) Probably Kira thinks I'm weird now for giving her the elbow rub. Josh made up a thing with his friends (I think Niccole and Sara) that the elbow was the most sensual part on the human anatomy after seeing one of his co-workers at his job rubbing elbows of people. So, all thoughout the Portland trip, he rubbed elbows with Tara, Meghan, and Cindy stating that they just had elbow sex. The knee qualifies too :-) So Kira talks about me needing someone to hook up with Danielle for prom. So I suggested Josh, and I gave an example of what to avoid with Josh which was the elbow rub which I demonstrated on Kira. I tried to explain the whole story about it, but she thought the whole situation was weird and started going to her car and then home. It's ok Kira! It's all just a funny inside joke. You had a sweater on, so you were protected! I'm sounding too weird for all of you readers, so I'll end it here, thank you...(walking away...)

Get Those Devil Horns in the Air!

YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!! Kira said that she would go to prom with me! I'm soooooooooo stoked now! More later, got to shower now...

Sunday, April 20, 2003


Everyone is pretty much gone to do their Easter activities. This is probably the first time that I've seen people take this holiday to heart. Oh well, since I'm Buddhist, I'm sitting at home right now doing this entry. Yesterday, my sister wanted me to watch American Pie on FX. I did, but after a few minutes, she said, "this movie is not appropriate for you! Leave!" What the heck! Man, she still thinks I'm a little kid! Oh well, she'll learn eventually. I got to cut it short, parents bugging me now...

Saturday, April 19, 2003

Last Entry before I go to bed...
It's a good thing I'm feeling sleepy now, because I'm getting back to my school day habit. So, here's my last entry. I don't really know what to say right now...maybe I'll write a letter...

To Whom it May Concern (which is nobody in particular, maybe just a few people),

Spring break was just awesome. For the most part, I got to relax and recoperate from all of the school work and whatnot. I'm really missing Lladie right now, because she's in Las Vegas doing her thing. I think she'll be back tomorrow to give me the heads up on what she's been doing. Portland, what can I say. I've never seen every aspect of culture from past to present mixed into a city. Thanks for the experience! (and the Real Life game!) Although Danielle is somewhat reluctant to let me go over to her house, it didn't take much than a simple question to have permission to go to Lladira's house. And Kira came there also. That was something I didn't expect and a huge plus, for obvious reasons! Just craziness to the max. Finally, the 2nd Crusades. All my boys gave it their all, and I expected nothing less. Awesome show! I'm blessed that I had this type of Spring Break with all of you guys mentioned here. I know it's ending and we have to get professional with school again, but while it lasted, it's one of the best Spring Breaks.

Much love to all the girls mentioned and big up to all the guys,
Christopher Ngo

2nd Crusades!!!

Willy, Cisco, and I have participate in 2 crusades so far. Brian has made his first appearance at the event.

Asians vs. Mexicans

Yeah, we were being racist. But it made the teams decisive. I think Cisco is typing up his experience of what he did in the second crusades. But here's my point of view...

Pre-game: Willy bought a pack of balloons and we were filling up the buckets with the water-filled balloons. We tested out our supersoakers then we were ready to go.

3:15: Start time of the second crusades. Willy and I started at the left end of the trail, and Cisco and Brian started on the right side of the trail. Our plan was a frontal assault. But, I had Willy with the bucket of water balloons hold a position on the trail while I tried to find Cisco and Brian to go to Willy's point. I found Cisco, who was trying to sneak up on us by going on the thick brushes while I was on the trail. He didn't look around well enough to see that I had the shot on him. He scurried off to the plains and hid behind a tree. I knew that Willy was going to be attacked by Brian, so I headed back to see that Willy was taking on Cisco and Brian using the balloons and his water gun. I broke up the Cisco and Brian double team, and they headed down to the plain area. Brian, with his back turned, went back up the trail, but I attacked him from behind and he ran towards Cisco. It was a showdown on the plain. Classic Victorian style battle. I was low on water, so I was hoping that our supply of water balloons would fend them off. But there guns were too powerful and both Willy and I were drentched...From then on out, we just filled up our tanks and just blasted each other with everything that we and Willy tried to find their item to win the game, but it ended up all of us getting soaking wet at the end of the day. It was awesome! We had a crowd just entertained by the festivites, so it was all good. 3rd Crusades this summer, see ya there!

Evil Danielle!
Starfox0064x: actually, I have something better in store for you Monday
Dee GreenTea: oh god
Starfox0064x: you'll see...
Dee GreenTea: i don't think i want to know..
Starfox0064x: it's harmless
Starfox0064x: and fun
Starfox0064x: and don't be shy about it...
Dee GreenTea: ugh
Dee GreenTea: you
Dee GreenTea: you're evil
Starfox0064x: (raising devil horns in the air!)
Dee GreenTea: ::slices one of em off with kitana::
Dee GreenTea: ::smirks::
Starfox0064x: you will pay Danielle!!!
Starfox0064x: acutally, I'm a lot worser off on Monday
Starfox0064x: or this coming monday
Starfox0064x: I'm totally going to get annihilated by you
Dee GreenTea: ::points kitana::
Dee GreenTea: maybe
Starfox0064x: dang I'm going to get hacked up!
Starfox0064x: then your going to roast me on a BBQ
Starfox0064x: and totally feed me to the dogs
Dee GreenTea: not the dogs...
Dee GreenTea: but the...cats
Starfox0064x: cats!!!
Starfox0064x: why cats?!
Dee GreenTea: you're not good enough for the dogs.
Starfox0064x: why not?!
Dee GreenTea: because
Dee GreenTea: you only have one horn.
Starfox0064x: what does that have to do with anything?!
Dee GreenTea: your value
Dee GreenTea: ::cuts off other horn::
Dee GreenTea: nevermind
Dee GreenTea: i'll feed you to the rats now.
Starfox0064x: I'm going to your house now...
Dee GreenTea: hmph
Dee GreenTea: then i'll never speak to you again
Starfox0064x: nah, I'm going to retrieve my two devil horns
Starfox0064x: so I could be at least fed to the dogs
Dee GreenTea: i don't have em
Dee GreenTea: they;re by your feet.
Starfox0064x: where are they?
Starfox0064x: oh...
Starfox0064x: (super glues horns back on)
Starfox0064x: there!
Starfox0064x: now I'll be fed to the dogs?
Starfox0064x: !
Dee GreenTea: naw
Dee GreenTea: still rats
Starfox0064x: hey with devil horns on, I still have some value
Dee GreenTea: :::cuts off both horns in one slice::
Starfox0064x: dammit Danielle!
Starfox0064x: (picks up horns)
Starfox0064x: I don't know what to do with you!
Starfox0064x: are you satisfied yet?!
Dee GreenTea: have you learned nothing?
Starfox0064x: yeah, your never sastisfied...

Friday, April 18, 2003

Sheryl is now becoming a key person in negotiations in the second crusades. I'm hoping that she could go to bring others along. Cisco got broke so he couldn't purchase the water balloons. So, we have to work some magic right now and get more materials for tomorrow. I hope it won't be two on two! Oh well, we could do two on two, but it's not that spectacular as a lot of people on a lot of people...
Today Kira was supposed to tell me about her decision about prom. But, she wants to tell me later...if you're reading this Kira, how about you tell me Monday at nutrition or lunch?

2nd Crusades Entry List
The second crusades will be held on Saturday at 2 pm. Here's the list of invites...

Francisco C.
Brian B.
Willy C.
Meghan B.
Christopher N.

Kira T.
Sheryl T. + friends
Janette H.
Janice H.
Emil K.
Others (friends of those above)

Under Consideration for Invite
Allen P.
Eric P.
Danielle F.
Lladira B.
Others (friends of those above)

Please come! Please!!! Tomorrow Francisco, Brian, and I will be getting war supplies...try to catch me as early as possible to get a confirmation...

Thursday, April 17, 2003

That cool dragon that Lladira put up caused me some problems with my template...everything seemed to go unorganized...sorry Lladie! I had to take it off...send me the link to that dragon image sometime later...
So yeah, today was blah...everyone seems to be gone. So, I was just putting images in my blog just to juice it up a bit. Got your classic Yugioh, Starfox, Vegeta, and Kamui. I'm hoping to add more images, but I got to find out whats wrong with my archive links. I can't access to any of my old entries. Maybe somebody can help me out. For now, I'm out...

Alright, time for me speaking my thoughts...

Basically all day I've just been chatting with a lot of people. What I thought would be a day of Oxnard adventuring turned out that I just did chores all day at home. But's it's ok. Danielle wouldn't let me over to her house to try out the Real Life game first hand with her. She vowed never to speak to me again if I did. I got to be doing my homework tomorrow or else I'll be way behind. But something will distract me for sure. I guess the 24 hours of movie fest will probably get the best of me. Yeah, my sister is catching up on watching the latest movies that we have at home. So far, I watched with her: The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, The Scorpion King, and Spider-man. Yeah, I'm mastering the deadly arts by watching these movies. I think next is the 007 series...this will be fun! Secret agent in trainning videos...

Pimpstress Kira!!!
Starfox0064x: hey
KiraSHappy: hey chris
Starfox0064x: what's up?
KiraSHappy: nuthing mucho..just got outta the shower...hehe.i feel cleaaaaaan
Starfox0064x: and sexy too right?
KiraSHappy: stuff
Starfox0064x: (nodding head in approval...)
Starfox0064x: everyone give Kira a round of applause
KiraSHappy: LOL
KiraSHappy: thanks ya thanks ;ya
Starfox0064x: (audience claps)
KiraSHappy: stuffff

(cut to the chase...)

KiraSHappy: mi friend alan at billiards yesterday thought u were mi boyfriend
KiraSHappy: he called me when i got home..and he was mad at me
Starfox0064x: why?
KiraSHappy: cause he was mad cause he thought i had a boyfriend
Starfox0064x: lol, well I love to be your boyfriend, but I'm always cool with just being friends
KiraSHappy: yea..but alan thought u and i were going out
KiraSHappy: and he was mad at me
Starfox0064x: was it because I gave you a bracelet?
KiraSHappy: yea
KiraSHappy: he saw
Starfox0064x: oops...
Starfox0064x: did you try to calm him down, or is he still mad?
KiraSHappy: nah..hes cool now
KiraSHappy: he just thinks that i lead him on
Starfox0064x: oh, does he want to go out with you?
KiraSHappy: its weird
KiraSHappy: i cant really explain it
KiraSHappy: theres alot of drama there
KiraSHappy: even confused about it
Starfox0064x: hmmm...(scratching chin)...that makes like 8 guys that want to go out with you...
Starfox0064x: Kira's a straightout pimpstress, no questions asked...
KiraSHappy: LOL
KiraSHappy: is that good or bad?
Starfox0064x: I could picture you have 4 guys on one side, and 4 guys on the other and you holding one guy in both arms and doing the pimp walk
KiraSHappy: LOL
KiraSHappy: haha
KiraSHappy: reallly?
Starfox0064x: yeah!
Starfox0064x: that'll be awesome
KiraSHappy: hehe
Starfox0064x: they're all your servant
KiraSHappy: nah
KiraSHappy: im not mean
Starfox0064x: you ask, "please, give me a bottle of water..."
Starfox0064x: and they'll go after it and bring in back in 2 seconds flat
Starfox0064x: it's all service with a smile
Starfox0064x: your backs aching...they'll give you a message
Starfox0064x: they'll hold your books and attend every class with you to satisfy your needs
Starfox0064x: yep, the pimpstress Kira!
KiraSHappy: nah nah...i dont need to be waited on
KiraSHappy: not cooool
KiraSHappy: dont wanna feel smothered
Starfox0064x: well, you can ask them to go away, and they'll go away
Starfox0064x: we all serve the great Kira!!!
KiraSHappy: thats scary
Starfox0064x: I thought it would be flattering to have people saying, "your wish is my command..."
KiraSHappy: scary tho
KiraSHappy: scary
Starfox0064x: how about just for nutrition and lunch?
KiraSHappy: scaaaaaaaary
Starfox0064x: you don't want to be a pimpstress then?
KiraSHappy: hehe...not a mean one
Starfox0064x: hey your not mean...
Starfox0064x: they serve you because they are attracted to you
KiraSHappy: hehe..fine..if ya put it that waaaaaaay
KiraSHappy: hehe..jk
Starfox0064x: so yeah, you're a pimpstress at heart
KiraSHappy: lol
KiraSHappy: sure?
KiraSHappy: is that good or bad?
KiraSHappy: is it the hair?
Starfox0064x: a lot of things
Starfox0064x: hair, cute eyes...
Starfox0064x: dynamic personality
Starfox0064x: sexyness
Starfox0064x: lovable and hugable
Starfox0064x: it's all good...
KiraSHappy: haha..u said sexynessss
Starfox0064x: is that a good thing?
KiraSHappy: hehe...of course..its mi woooooord

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

StarlightSpark13: chris!!!
Starfox0064x: what's up?
StarlightSpark13: whats ur sn and password for your log again? I lost it and I want to make some changes on it your gonna like it
StarlightSpark13: plus the picture at the top is leaving hehehe
Starfox0064x: well, I changed it
StarlightSpark13: nooo
StarlightSpark13: boo
StarlightSpark13: okie
Starfox0064x: yeah, after much debating
Starfox0064x: it's gone
StarlightSpark13: can I still have it?
Starfox0064x: but your blog has it
StarlightSpark13: the password though and your sn?
StarlightSpark13: haha
StarlightSpark13: I know its funny
Starfox0064x: what do you want to change?
StarlightSpark13: I have some cool ass pics your gonna like
Starfox0064x: ok
StarlightSpark13: :-)
Starfox0064x: sn:
Starfox0064x: password:
StarlightSpark13: Im saving that on comp now
StarlightSpark13: so I wont loose it
StarlightSpark13: yaya
Starfox0064x: alright
StarlightSpark13: yay!!
StarlightSpark13: no to my plans we
StarlightSpark13: weeeee
Starfox0064x: oh no
StarlightSpark13: :-D
Starfox0064x: I don't know if I should be happy or sad...
Starfox0064x: or optimisitc
Starfox0064x: or grateful
Starfox0064x: or worried
Starfox0064x: or excited
StarlightSpark13: hehehe
StarlightSpark13: happy
StarlightSpark13: excited and I don't know about grate ful
Starfox0064x: h no
Starfox0064x: *oh
Starfox0064x: that means your going to do something evil
StarlightSpark13: lol
StarlightSpark13: no
StarlightSpark13: Lladie doeant do evil stuff to chris
StarlightSpark13: nope nope
Starfox0064x: well, do a lot of evilness to my template
StarlightSpark13: :-D

My Stint in the Erotica Section...
MIRiAMaDORK: the Erotica section? chris!
Starfox0064x: hey, it's pretty much the only form of literature that holds my interest
Starfox0064x: everything else I sleep on
MIRiAMaDORK: lol yea, i guess it's true.. most people just aren't so open about it
MIRiAMaDORK: why else do a lot of people find dirty sex jokes amusing..
Starfox0064x: yeah, that's true
Starfox0064x: I don't understand why people make a big fuss about sex stuff...
Starfox0064x: maybe because of the inexperience or something
MIRiAMaDORK: i don't know, in our society, people just consider it a taboo to talk about sex
MIRiAMaDORK: maybe
Starfox0064x: is their some college courses in your school that has sex related classes?
Starfox0064x: I remember their was one substitute teacher saying she took a history through sex class
MIRiAMaDORK: women and gender studies
MIRiAMaDORK: it's a department here
MIRiAMaDORK: but the one professor who teaches most of the courses.. is kind of strange
Starfox0064x: lol
MIRiAMaDORK: she is! she looks like she's high
Starfox0064x: yeah, I got the feeling that people who are really, really into sex become derranged and stuff...
MIRiAMaDORK: :shrugs:
MIRiAMaDORK: possibly
Starfox0064x: the lead singer of Slipknot, Corey Taylor, used to work as a clerk at a porno store...
MIRiAMaDORK: interesting..
Starfox0064x: he said, "there's a lot of strange people that come in their late at night..."
Starfox0064x: *there
MIRiAMaDORK: do you think you'd ever work at a porn store, chris?
MIRiAMaDORK: y'think? it's a freakin' porn store!
Starfox0064x: I'll give it a try when I work in college
Starfox0064x: I won't let my parents find out though...

Today I'm home alone. All of my parents went to work, and Stephanie went on a Catalina trip with her friends. It's time for the CIA to come out! I hope Cisco comes online so that we could run something together...

Alright! Alright! I changed the picture. It was sad seeing it go, but it's not lost. It's at Lladira's Blog now. Now, scroll down below and read!

Day 2 (continuing again)
My sister was getting annoyed with the sounds of my typing being that the computer room is just next door. I'm using my computer right now, so it'll be all good. The first entry is two entries below. So read that first before you read anything else...

It was just me, josh, and Meghan in the middle of downtown Portland. Josh was getting pissed because the other three ditched us. However, we saw some high school kids coming to the restaurants around us from a prom that they had. They all looked pretty. Eventually the train did came and we met up with the other three that waited for us at the convention center. We beat them up of course...
So I thought the night was up, but Tara wanted to go see the dance that they were having at the convention center. I agreed to go with her just to check it out. I put on this green button shirt and woe my regular jean pants. I didn't want to stand out in the crowd, but wanted to look nice in the process. Me, Tara, and Cindy went to check it out, but it turned out a bust. Nobody was dancing, just hanging out. So we ditched and it started to rain pretty hard on us. I was alright with it, but might whole suit was dampened. I called it a night. That night, I was listening to the latest Kid Rock CD that earlier today was in a Sony G-Protection CD player that I stole while attending one of the lectures, it had two batteries already in it, so I was ready to rock and roll...

Day 3

I had money left, and we had until about 4:00 pm to do whatever we wanted. I really wanted to go shopping to get souveniers for my friends at home. We went back to downtown Oxnard and went to the Saturday Market which was opened on Sunday. It's pretty much an organized swapmeet, with many venders handcrafting their items and many different style of items from around the world all brought together in one area. I was amazed with the sight. There I got a bracelet for Kira, earrings for Lladira, and an entertaining Real Life Game. After that, we went to the Rotundra mall to check out the known restaurant called Todei. If any of you know, it's a seafood buffet restaurant. Now, seafood, expensive stuff, and they let you eat all you can?! Yeah, I went to one around LA but too bad it was closed in the mall. But the whole mall was upscale, so we couldn't find anything there that was affordable, like the cheapest thing there was a shirt for $30.00. So me and Cindy ate at Hot Dog on a Stick and I called it lunch. Last stop before we left Portland was the Lloyd Center Mall. Since most of us was pretty much broke, me and Cindy played DDR and other arcade games. By the end of the day, everyone wanted to kill Xavier. There's was this one point on the drive home from LAX where his face was in perfect position for me to do a backhand punch on his brown nosing face. But, too many witnesses...
We all arrived at Tara's house and had some good enchalatas. Before eating, me and Cindy were having a classic duel on the Billiards table. This time, I think I beat Cindy, because I didn't scratch on the eight ball. But I don't know the rules because my eight ball went into the corner pocket, but it wasn't the corner pocket that my last ball went in. But she said that I won, so I'll take it...
I arrived home at midnight, and my dad greeted me when everyone was asleep. He gave me news that my sister hit a semi-truck while turning into the lane that the truck was in, totally creaming her right rear light. Haha!

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Day 2 (cont.)
Read the next entry before reading this one if you haven't done so...

I didn't buy the book. If my mom or my sister would have found out, they probably burn it. We took a stop at Roccio (I think that's what it's called) Pizza place where pretty much all of the skaters, gothic, and grunge people hung out. It was awesome, it was ghetto but everything you saw there is what you needed. And you get some pretty big ass pizzas. Meghan pointed out that one of the workers looked like he could be Jennifer Wright's brother. After taking the key from the counter and going to the bathroom, he looked at me and gave a thumbs up. He definitely had the face of Jennifer Wright. Also, the place had a sign saying "leave condomments here!" However, Josh overlooked it and took the pepper shaker to our table. We debated for a couple of minutes on who should bring it back, which I eventually did.
After going to the pizza place, we decided to go back to our hotel. Cindy directed us on the shuttle train thinking that we were going back to the convention center. We got seats at the front where we met a old guy and two little brothers. I talked to one brother who had Pokemon cards which he showed me some of his more powerful and rare cards. My friends were talking to the old guy and eventually they came across saying, "Are you going to the convention center?" The old man responded, "This train is going to the Hilsboro. Once we get to the tunnel, it's not going to stop until it reaches Washington state." We all panicked and got off the train immediately. We hung by the point for several minutes taking pictures. We decided to walk back to catch the train at another point. Lord beholds, it started rainning lightly. Josh was doing his "poopie" run to another stop point. But he continued running when he saw that the train going in our direction was heading for the stop point. We all raced to get there. I got confused on what side of the tracks the doors was going to be opened. I picked the wrong side when my friends were screaming to get on the other side. So I beat the train just before it stopped.
The shuttle train was a rather old one that didn't have an electronic sign showing us where they were stopping at. So we decided to hop aboard another train by getting off at one of the stop points. 3 of us were not on the same page or idea, for Cindy, Tara, and Xavier hopped on board the other shuttle and we got off on the stop point....

More later...

Chris in Action (CIA) in Portland

Afterschool - Thursday Night
I haven't been on a plane since my trip to Vietnam where I sat there in a cooped up 747 for 14 hours. I got a rush from the g-forces when the plane took off. It was actually exhilerating. We we got to Portland, we rode a shuttle train to the convention center and started looking for our hotel which was the Mariott Courtyard. Another school tried to find the location of Holiday Inn, which we already found for them. But a few blocks away, we found the Mariott and check in. A lot of us were hungry and we stopped by Red Robin that we passed along the way when we were searching for the hotel. There, I ate my second burger of the day. Unlike McDonald's, the turkey burger was good. We got back to the hotel and flipped on to HBO. There, we saw a sci-fi movie that was pretty hilarious, when I think the original intentions were to make the monsters scary. Well, the concept was pretty funny, I mean, a guy and a girl were running around and the girl finds a gun and explosives in a random box. The guy shoots the monster, and the monster screams, "FUCK!" But the body on the monster had the ability to regenerate itself, but they placed an explosive in the monster's open wound and the regeneration process closed the opening. The moster flips off the two and dies. Then both the girl and the guy had sex and the guy ends up wearing a gay shirt and taking the kids on the field. I don't know, it was really weird, but pretty ultimate...

Day 1
Friday was the day when the actual educational part of the whole trip opened. The lecturers here were excellent, although there wasn't really much to learn seeing that some of the same educational material was learned from Phoenix. So, after the sessions, we all went to the Lloyd Mall to check out and wait the pre screening of this one movie called "Malibu" something. I forgot. But, we went to the Gifts from Afar store and got some cool stuff. I got my dad a cup of Oregon because he asked for one before I left. So we walked around, Tara went to some of her favorite clothing store, while me and Josh were checking out all of the videogame stores. The movie was about to start, and while we were waiting to get in, Cindy noticed in the arcade area that there was DDR. So, we headed over there after the movie ended. The movie was so hilarious! Well, the first minutes were pretty weak, but the rest was funny! But during the movie, Cindy was getting annoyed by Xavier, which he progressively annoyed us as the hours wind down in our stay at Portland. We headed over to the arcades, but I suck at DDR there...Me and Cindy got Chinese food and headed back to the hotel.

Day 2
It was the final day of sessions, and getting only about 5-6 hours of sleep on the floor did help for me falling asleep in some of the sessions. But when we got back to the hotel, 4/6 of us fell asleep. Only me and Cindy were up, and we wanted to go downtown to check out all of the stuff down there. To pass the time, me and Cindy were shuffling and drawing cards from her deck to check out our present state and predictions. Finally, everyone woke up, and we all headed off to downtown Portland. Today, we found out that transportation around the Portland area was free. We were paying one dollar everywhere we've gone when we didn't need to. But, we headed towards Powell's Bookstore which is pretty much the largest bookstore in maybe the world. Indeed it was! 4 stories covering one city block. There I got a Barron's AP Physics C book. I had 15 minutes left there so I decided to try to find the anime section. I think Josh pointed out that it was in the gold room, so I headed there, but the Erotica section was a little bit more enticing. So I picked up a book that had a pretty hot chick on it, and started reading the first two chapters. Well, I got a full dose of the lady's lesbian experience before my 15 minutes were up and we had to get home. Then I headed out and saw Cindy checking out the anime section. Eventually, everyone found me and Cindy, and the Erotica section. So Josh asks, "Do you know where's your favorite section?" and I responded, "The erotica section." to everyone's amazement. So everyone headed over there and were having funny looks as i picked up the book that I was reading.

More later...

I've been having symtoms of light-headedness from all the traveling on Sunday, and I'm trying to spend my time recooperating from it. But, I'll be better tomorrow with a good night's sleep. Hey, I got to be at my best when going to Lladira's house tomorrow! I got a little something small for her. So I hope she enjoys it. To end the night, I might play around with the template and stuff...that picture...I got to take it off sometime, but Lladira put it there...when I think of that picture, it brings a smile to my face...but, I don't know...eventually it has to go, but not now...

Monday, April 14, 2003

The Tales of the CIA

Yeah! I'm back from Portland! It's really late night right now, and I have soooooo much to tell you guys, but you guys have to bear with me when i'm ready and able enough to tell my tales in Portland. But I have a lot to do tomorrow, that involves many risks and uncertanty. But I know I can do it! See ya around!

Thursday, April 10, 2003

This one is the real real good bye. A while back, Cisco compiled Chris's top 30. It's really interesting. You might have an idea of the top 30 but if you don't know, it's all alright. Period's over, and I wanted to say my goodbyes to several people before I go. But you have to read this goodbye. So see ya Sunday. ANd if I don't come back, then I'll see you in the GREAT GIG IN THE SKY!!!!

Yo yo yo...alright, this is my last journal entry before I get the heck out of here. Just one more period to go. I got my stuff done for UCCP and Pickrel so I'm all set. So goodbye! See ya Sunday night...

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Alright, I'm done packing my stuff. Got money, clothes, and toothbrush. You just got to have the toothbrush! I won't be posting in about three days or so. I'll probably post my last thoughts at 12:00 pm tomorrow in Econ about stuff that's happening and others. If I don't make it back to Oxnard, we'll you'll have at least that last post to reflect upon. But don't jinx my flight! I'll be ok.

Ummm...what happened to the tag board that I just setted up? (searching) Lladira... (searching even more) Lladira!

Well, I think it takes a post to update the template stuff...hmmm...I don't really know what to say then. Oh yeah! Tomorrow, I'll be at school, and immediately afterschool, I'll be heading off to Portland! Yay! This is going to be fun! Yep! My spring vacation is coming really early! Hahaha!

What's up with that picture on the right side?

Thanks Lladie! Alright, I'll ask her to do some more stuff to my blog like adding tag board and stuff...Now that she has the password to this blog, I guess she could go in from time to time to change stuff around. Just don't be changing all of the journal entries! That's all I ask!

Tuesday, April 08, 2003


Live it and love it!!!

Hehe! Let's see how many people know this blog. I'll keep it secret, I might leak it out here and there but maybe I'll keep it private for now, maybe until I know how to do some of the advanced techniques stuff to beef up my blog. But anyway's, today was pretty good in terms of Hilburn not being there, Danielle happy with the Green Tea Boba that I gave her, and just overall a good laid back day. I did a really bad thing (well, not too bad in cases such as one commits suicide) but it's causing someone to kind of freak out. I would think that journals were meant to spill out your emotions at that time and sometimes it let's the reader know what's going on in one's head. But now, I would have to say that for you to read, just interpret what I'm saying as purely what I'm thinking at the time. I'm happy to let people know somethings about myself so we could connect on some level. So with that in mind, just enjoy...

Monday, April 07, 2003

Hey it's Chris again...
I created a blogspot account because I wanted to post links to my friend's blogs and I wanted to tryout this blogspot stuff. So here's my first entry. I'm still going to work on the style and stuff to make it more attractive, but here goes nothing...