Friday, April 29, 2011

So the last post I did was before Christmas...

A lot changed in my life since then...

I'm married! And it is going to approach four weeks of marriage this Saturday! Wow, time goes by between post even. If I told everything, this post would be very long just on wedding planning alone. I'm really writing here to regain motivation on typing up a report that I have for one of my typing more stuff about what's at the top of my head. So here we go...

Being married, the first thing people ask, "How's married life been?"

Honestly, it feels weird. After the wedding, Cindy and I just talked about what happened that day and comparing notes. It's also strange that we can now call each other husband and wife. At first we couldn't believe it. I think when people feel like they're married, there's some kind of feeling of something that tells that you're married. We didn't feel any aura or anything supernatural. But after the weeks of living together and going through our daily lives together, calling each other husband and wife feels a lot more appropriate and justified. Maybe that's the feeling of both people now feeling like you are married.

Cindy and I have been busy furnishing our apartment and making it livable. We can't thank enough from IKEA making the furniture light because our apartment is on the second floor with no elevator. On our honeymoon, we went to Hawaii and enjoyed our trip there. With anything, we shared in happy times and times to trials...even on our honeymoon. I feel we will continuously learn from each other even until the day we part to the afterlife.

I really hope that I'm the best for Cindy. Sometimes I feel that I'm inadequate to areas that she needs support. Hopefully I'm able to learn or be strong for her. I hope...

Getting towards the end of the day, me getting tired. It's Friday and Cindy and I wanted to make it a dinner date tonight. We looked for some recipes in the Chinese cookbook and there's a few recipes that look really good to do and are really quick for the most part. Can't wait to accomplish them!

I guess I'll end it here, this was what was at the top of my head...hopefully I'm able to do this blog on a daily basis like how it was back in high school where I was able to post each day, everyday. I guess the drive was somehow lost with being busy with life. Does it feel that you commit to a lot of things and you feel overwhelmed with it all even though the stuff doesn't really matter? Today and for awhile I've been feeling that way. Maybe this commitment (but commitment to my wife being top priority) could be my outlet for the others...

Monday, December 27, 2010

It's Cindy's fault that I'm posting this late...

She came back from a family trip to Disneyland. Unfortunately, seems like everyone else gets tomorrow off. For me, it's understandable that I'll be heading back to work later on today because there is so much to do this week that hopefully Ann and I can be able to accomplish everything being that this is another 4 day week. I'm happy to report that I did get a lot of sleep this weekend. It's nice to have that extra day off for that one!

Can't love Cindy enough. She gave me DJ Hero 2 and Epic Mickey for Wii games, headphones, and a X-Men poster. Awesome stuff! On Christmas I spent most of the day playing DJ Hero 2. Really love the mixes that they have in the game with a lot of recognizable songs. I have a feeling that if Rock Band 3 gets a lot of people picking up the pro instruments that Activation may have to get rid of Guitar Hero and go with DJ Hero as for their primary rhythm music genre. Probably everyone's dream is to bring in Pro Guitar, Drums, Keyboard, and the turn table and make some music with them.

I guess one of my ideas with using all of the instruments is to have band centrist games to incorporate the instruments. I could see Slipknot and Limp Bizkit using the turntables, Dream Theatre and Dragonforce with the keyboards. I think one thing that's missing with band centrists games is a "concert" mode where for the ambitious players that want an entertaining marathon, there's this mode where they mimic one of the band's favorite set that they performed and the songs played goes through exactly how they ordered it during the concert. Because it doesn't go by progressive increases in difficulty, people can already get hit with a hard song then get to easier ones in between, but it's all based on how the concert that was conducted. Man, I wish I had loads of money to get into the gaming industry...

Other than that, Christmas was mellow for the most part. I only spent last Friday with Cindy, but not on Saturday or Sunday. Kind of weird that I didn't see her this weekend. But, I know after the New Year's, we're going to get busy with wedding planning again. For a while, it was nice to see Cindy without stress, but I know I'll be emotionally drained when she gets to planning mode. It's necessary, but hopefully she remembers to keep in mind my feelings as well. Hopefully...

Well, got work to do tomorrow, found some key discoveries over the weekend for one client's project. Hopefully we're able to improve or control the outcome in later studies...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's approaching Christmas soon and from the last post a month ago, I was discussing about going to Washington DC. To sum it up, awesome sightseeing, unconfused trees, lovely city, oppressive sister, and don't want to go with family on vacation next time. But overall, it was nice to take some time off to go to a place I haven't been to before.

Christmas shopping is nearly done for me. I say nearly done because today coming to work I found out that Yoly has sent me Godiva Chocolates and a card. So, now I'm obligated to give out a lot of gifts again to the manufacturing side. It's hard going over there because they are locked behind a door that needs a passcode, which not a lot of us on the Development side have. Furthermore, I would have to go down to the mall and either buy more candy for them. On the bright side, there's not much for my group to do today at work and the boss is not in to discuss about recent findings with our studies. So, I have the liberty to go The Oaks mall and get more candy for everyone at work.

Man, Christmas is expensive this year. I'm afraid to look at how much credit I used on my cards...

Did I mention that I gave my fiancée an iPhone 4? That burns. But at least I get to talk with her more via twitter. It something that I missed from Cindy since her company moved to Calabassas. But now, she can have internet freedom and don't have to be monitored whoever is iron fist over at Harbor Freight Tools.

Going to take it easy for the rest of the day. Tomorrow we have the day off for Christmas Eve. Hopefully I can get a lot of sleep in this weekend.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Going to go to sleep really soon. Just thought I post up an update. Going to Washington DC soon. It really didn't feel like I'm going on vacation because there was plenty of stuff left to do in the lab. But, hopefully everyone in my group can handle it.

I'll be waking up at 2:30 which gives me just 4 and a half hours of sleep. Hopefully it'll be enough to get to LAX so that I can sleep on the plane. I finally get to use the iPhone airplane function on my iPhone!

Nothing else at the top of my head. This beats Twitter in terms of longer posts so you get most of the scoop of what's going on...

Monday, November 15, 2010

After 2 years of non-posting I'm back!

For awhile I've been posting on my MySpace account, but I think I'll be deleting that one later on. MySpace tried to get the format more user friendly and I can see what they are trying to do to try to get the audience back to their site, but I think what detracts people is that it is still got a lot of things going on that I'm confused over what MySpace is trying to be. From where it began, it used to be a social network, but they added videos, music, and everything that I guess it became far removed from where it began.

I find myself on Facebook all of the time for their social games and keeping up on what people has been up to. Something about the simplicity of Facebook integrates so readily in my life where I don't have a lot of time in things anymore, without staying up really late at night to accomplish them. (This blog post is one)

So here I am, two years later. Reflecting on where this blog began in 2003 where I was in senior year in high school. Now, I graduated in 2008, have a full time job as a Research Associate for Integrity Bio, Inc. (a job that I cannot express how blessed I am to be able to work for them), and getting married really soon. All these things I'm bound in a confidential agreement (work and marriage).

Yeah, marriage. I cannot say publicly when and where it is going to be held. Let's just say we have a potential wedding crasher that Cindy and I have been praying that won't happen. Although we were sure he doesn't have that capacity to do it (i.e. he currently doesn't have a car to get down to SoCal) still he can be crazy enough to do it. We may take Ken up on his offer to be the bouncer during the times that no security will be in place...

Other than that, marriage planning is fun and stressful at the same time. Unfortunately, most of the stress comes from my parents where they have insisted on a lot of things that has gotten Cindy stressed and pissed sometimes against my parents. I even got mad at my parents for expecting us for pay for things that we don't want to incorporate into the wedding because it would seem that the wedding was "too tight" looking. I don't really care if people criticize our wedding seemed budgeted for an Asian wedding. The only opinion that I care for is Cindy's. If I look at her and ask if they wedding was good for her, and if she said "it could be better" than I would be very disappointed.

There's good news though, I talked with my parents and they agreed that I can pay for the reception. Part of Cindy's frustration was that she believed that since my parents was going to pay for the reception, she felt that they can throw their weight on other aspects of the wedding that we thought my parents agreed to not have any influence. But, two days ago, I asked my parents that both Cindy and I would feel more comfortable paying for the reception as well. They were hesitant at first, but we eventually worked out an agreement on how to compromise on this. But, the end effect is that Cindy and I would have control over the entire wedding and that other tid bits like the lunch before the church ceremony and alcohol provided would be handled by my parents.

It's fast approaching 1 am, not sure how tomorrow is going to hold at work. We're on fast track on finding formulations for one particular client that has a drug product that is unstable at room temperature. We were able to help stabilize it, but it cannot be protected during agitation stress. So, maybe tomorrow we will run a game plan on how to tackle that problem. On top of that, there is a major client that is working with us on a project that when Ann and I were discussing, we would have to fill about 360 vials by hand.

On top of work stuff, from Thursday until Sunday, my family is going to go on vacation to Washington D.C. We're going to be on a lot of museum tours and we're going to visit the White House! My sister was able to get in touch with our Congressman (Congresswoman?) to procure the tickets. I'll definitely miss Cindy this coming weekend. I'm praying that when I'm gone this weekend, her director won't be hard on her or single her out on anything. I'll also be praying that she is able to find another job. Yeah, the wedding is not so far away but I hate that she's unhappy with her director and how her job is typical corporate politics and all that unnecessary drama. Companies got to realize that in order to survive, ass-kissing fails and meritocracy reigns...

My first post in a while, I'm out to sleep now, good night world!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

17.) The Dream

I woke up this morning to a terrible dream, one of those dreams that felt painfully real. I entered a plain white room with white charis and tables. There was Cindy in this room and she was visibly shaken but glad I was there. To my understanding, Cindy received a death penalty through poisoning, similar to that of Socrates. The time I entered the room was only moments until her death. Cindy got up but stumbled. I raced to catch her in my arms to hold on to her one last time. I never felt so much pain in my heart. I told her if there is anyway you can still talk to me please do. I looked up just briefly and when I looked down, she disappeared. I never cried that much in a dream and when I made my way home, the rain poured so heavy. As I enetered the house, my phone rings and I picked up. It was Cindy!

"Hi, Chris!" said Cindy.

I've never felt so happy. I thought she was still alive. "Where are you at?" I asked.

"I don't know," responded Cindy.

"Describe what you see..."

"I don't know...I don't know..."

I woke up in tears but glad it was only a dream. But, I was scared to go back to sleep afraid of continuing the dream. I wanted to hear Cindy's voice so I called and spoke about the dream. I felt relieved after talking with Cindy. Probably because I miss her a lot that this occured or my fear of losing Cindy probably entered the dream. I thought I'd share this because kind of like the Cinderella saying that if you told your dream, it won't come true. So, this one should only just be a bad dream.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

I'm sick right now. Got it from my dad I think. It's all good, don't need to go to work tomorrow. Dammit, only a few more days of winter vacation. Spent yesterday just sleeping. Slept really well that I couldn't even hear my cell phone. Got to be that Nyquil. I just don't want to be bothered, even though I feel better than yesterday. I just want to sleep more. I guess that's what I'll do.